Overwatch recently kicked off Volume 1 of its Anniversary Remix event, the first of a three-part event that puts a new spin on the game’s yearly Anniversary celebrations. While players can still participate in every Overwatch brawl from the other seasonal events, gathering any skins they missed out on from past years, a few things set Anniversary Remix apart from the normal version of the event.

Alongside a chance to earn skins, sprays, and other items from old hero challenges, Anniversary Remix features recolored versions of some of the most popular Legendary skins in Overwatch. These recolors are genuinely stunning, and while some have been memed like Reinhardt’s new look, others look even better than the originals. This event shows how much of a difference a change in colors can make for the game’s skins, and Overwatch 2 should lean into this by allowing players to customize the colors of their heroes’ outfits.

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The Potential of Customizable Skins in Overwatch 2


While the Anniversary Vol. 1 recolors are all great, they will likely make fans wonder how good the skins could look with yet another color palette. For instance, Witch Mercy’s Mage variant is stellar, as it sees the brown outfit swapped with a white and blue aesthetic. Considering how different the outfit looks with this simple change, it could seem just as unique with a red and black or black and yellow pattern.

Considering Overwatch 2 is rumored to be ditching loot boxes, Blizzard could want to introduce some new cosmetic options for players to strive for. Perhaps an in-game shop could be available that offers colors alongside new skins, emotes, and highlight intros. Players could save up their in-game credits to buy new colors, and once they have them, they could use these colors for any of the outfits that they have unlocked.

Colors could be awarded from making progress in Overwatch 2’s PvE campaign or performing well in the game’s PvP modes, too, offering a few different ways to collect them. While players would still see Legendary skins added regularly through seasonal events, they could put their own spin on these outfits once they’ve been acquired. If this were a mechanic, one player’s Toybot Zenyatta could look significantly different from another player’s version of the same skin.

Even if the skin customization was limited to colors, the Overwatch community would have a field day with the mechanic. Players could show off their most impressive recolors on the Overwatch subreddit or in YouTube videos, sharing their designs with players and giving them ideas for their own recolored skins. Games like Final Fantasy 14 and Destiny 2 have built entirely communities around fashion, and Overwatch 2 could provide something very similar if players were able to edit their lineup of skins.

If the rumored Overwatch 2 battle pass is real, Blizzard will need to fill it with some items that could be used for every hero, and colors would be a perfect option. With so many different shades of blue, red, green, and any other color available to Blizzard, the developer could expand the options available to players for years. Obviously, there is nothing to suggest that players will be able to change the colors of their Overwatch 2 skins. Still, the Anniversary Remix event has highlighted just how good Legendary recolors can be, so it would be great to see players getting the option to make their own recolors whenever they want.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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