With Overwatch being over six years old, many gamers have had the time to truly master their characters. One Tank that can be particularly deadly when used correctly is Reinhardt, with one Overwatch player recently sharing a clip of a perfectly used Earthshatter.

Usually, top-notch Reinhardt plays come in two forms: Earthshatters and Pins. While Fire Strike is a decent way to built Ult charge, and Reinhardt’s hammer swings deal a respectable amount of damage, it is these two abilities that are the real game changers. When Reinhardt charges into the opponent, said pin is usually fatal, and the best Reins also know how far to push someone to drop them off certain maps. Combining a pin with an Earthshatter - Reinhardt’s Ultimate that knocks down all players in front of him - is especially deadly.

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This is exactly what Reddit user ArkhamGeyser did in their clip, as they combined these two deadly abilities together perfectly while playing on Temple of Anubis. While defending the first point, the Reinhardt sees the enemy team lining up in the choke point before the large health pack room. After a few hammers swings, they quickly use Earthshatter, with the enemy Rein not expecting the maneuver and failing to block it. From there, ArkhamGeyser proceeds to wipe out the enemy team.

The enemy Ashe died due to the damage dealt from the Shatter itself, while ArkhamGeyser proceeded to land a game changing pin on the enemy Rein. With the other team losing its main shield Tank, the Rein was able to finish off the rest of the opposition. Both healers, Baptiste and Zenyatta, are killed with the same swing. From there, the Redditor nails an awesome Fire Strike on a fleeing D.Va and Tracer, finishing off the two characters before they can regroup and showcasing their expertise with Reinhardt's kit.

Unsurprisingly, this post has done well on Reddit, bringing in over 1,500 upvotes thus far. Many praised the gamer’s excited reaction to the play, while others pointed out that two members of the opposing team quit after this impressive display. ArkhamGeyser was still humble, though, as they thanked their Ana for enabling the play with her Nanoboost. A classic combo, Reinhardt and Ana pairing their Ultimate abilities together often results in a team kill - though seeing the Reinhardt get every kill themselves makes for a spectacular clip. Had the Ana not provided a well-timed boost, there is no way they would have picked up all six kills, as the Fire Strike that hit D.Va and Tracer would be too weak.

With Overwatch 2’s free-to-play model sure to expand the player base greatly, clips like this should only become more common. For new players looking to get good at Reinhardt, studying clips like this would be a wise move.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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