Overwatch is full of powerful abilities, but when people see multi-kills, the Ultimate that caused that level of destruction is usually something like Pharah’s Rocket Barrage or D.Va’s Self Destruct. However, one Reinhardt player managed to cause a team kill with their use of Earthshatter, showing off their skill with the Overwatch Tank’s Ultimate.

For those unfamiliar with Earthshatter, the Reinhardt ability sees the hero slamming his hammer onto the ground and creating a massive wave that stuns everything in front of him. While this ability requires great timing to use properly, as it can easily be blocked by a shield-using Tank on the enemy team, a well-placed Earthshatter opens up the Reinhardt to free hammer swings and pin opportunities. Their team can also clean up some kills, though in the case of ARO2ng, they were able to do most of the work themselves.

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While on the last point of the Overwatch map Busan, ARO2ng sees a pin opportunity after the enemy Reinhardt’s shield is depleted. They waste no time slamming the ground with their hammer, with the Earthshatter bringing down everyone on the enemy team. As the Earthshatter is hit, the friendly Ana Nanoboosts the Reinhardt, allowing the Redditor to clear out all the downed enemies and completely wipe out the opposing team. The clip sees them perfectly wielding Reinhardt’s offensive abilities.

After landing one of Reinhardt’s firestrikes, the Redditor charges forward and lands a rare triple pin. This kills the enemy Soldier 76, Mercy, and Reaper. With both Damage characters dead and a main source of Support gone, the remaining enemies have no hope of surviving. While Ashe and Bob finish off the Ana, ARO2ng beats down the enemy Rein with their hammer, picking up a fourth kill. The teamkill is completed with Reinhardt destroying D.Va’s mech and Moira draining her of her health.

Not only was ARO2ng’s team in the lead, but with the other team fully wiped out, they should have no problem holding the zone until the end of the round. While Overwatch is very much a team game that relies on good coordination, this clip is proof that one player can completely shift the flow of a fight with some good play. Further, it does not matter if said player is controlling a Tank, Damage, or Support. While Sigma and Zarya’s Ultimate abilities may be used to set up the flashiest multi-kills, Earthshatter will always be a game changer when it is used properly.

With Reinhardt’s Overwatch 2 rework set to make him even more aggressive via a cancelable pin and second Fire Strike, impressive clips like this one could become a lot more common. Though ARO2ng “rarely gets to play Rein,” this clip is evidence that he should get more opportunities as this hero.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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