Famous for beating a Dark Souls 3 boss with a dance pad, streamer Rudeism uses a bunch of bananas to play Overwatch, controlling banana-loving gorilla genius Winston.

This week, the Overwatch Halloween Terror event has given players plenty of new, spooky content to enjoy. Various new cosmetic options have been made available in loot boxes, including skins and sprays, and the Junkenstein's Revenge Brawl has also been giving players a run for their money.

However, Halloween Terror is not enough for all of Overwatch's players. One player and popular streamer of the game has made their own fun, configuring a bunch of bananas to use as a controller.

In an almost three hour long Twitch stream, streamer Rudeism demonstrates how a dozen bananas can be wired up to a computer to play as Overwatch's banana-loving gorilla Winston. Four of the bananas function as the WASD keys, a banana each to fire, bring up Winston's shield, to jump and to use his ultimate and another four bananas for mouselook.

During the stream Rudeism explains that he initially tried to use peanut butter (Winston's other favorite food) as a controller. However, the streamer says that since "peanut butter doesn't conduct electricity that well" that plan didn't work out.


While Rudeism, who is also known for beating a Dark Souls 3 boss with a dance pad, clearly has a strong interest in alternative controller inputs, the streamer isn't the only Overwatch player making their own fun. One group of Overwatch players created the 'Genji Badminton' game mode, just using the tools available to them within the game. Moreover, fans have spent weeks upon weeks poring through the finer details of the game looking for clues on the Sombra ARG, as Blizzard has been teasing the new character's arrival.

Blizzard is set to roll out even more new content to keep everyone occupied, however. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan recently revealed that several new maps are in the works, along with two brand new heroes (further fuelling those Sombra rumors).

While it's unclear exactly when all of this content will be released into the game, Blizzard will be eager to entertain Overwatch's 20 million players. This is especially the case given that other multiplayer titles, including Paragon and Paladins (which some have described as an Overwatch clone), are on the scene trying to get a slice of Overwatch's market share. If Blizzard is to fend off that competition and continue to grow that 20 million figure, the company will need to release those maps and heroes sooner rather than later.

Overwatch is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.