Overwatch skin concepts are as popular as ever, with fans consistently sharing new designs for their favorite heroes. One hero that is focused on often is Mercy, and the latest concept may be one of the best-looking fan designs that have been shared for the Overwatch character.

Over the years, fans have shared plenty of memorable Mercy skin concepts. She has been given a dark steampunk look that made it look like she can from another era, while another concept saw her wearing a Valentine’s Day-themed outfit. Given how popular Mercy is as a character, the extra love she gets when it comes to skin concepts makes sense, and it certainly helps that her default character design is so unique. Redditor amandazerepp made sure to keep Mercy’s overall appearance intact, which has always been a rule for Blizzard’s official skins.

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However, when Mercy fans imagine a pirate skin, they would likely not think of something as bright and colorful as what amandazerepp came up with. The color palette fits Mercy’s character and the Overwatch universe, though, and there are plenty of details to appreciate. Mercy’s brown pirate hat features a rainbow feather, with the same colors seen on her wings. Not only is her hair red, but she lets it down for this concept, with the look being reminiscent of her Combat Medic skin.

However, while the hairstyle resembles the outfit the angelic doctor received in the original Archives event, everything else is unique. A long blue coat is worn alongside some red pants, with Mercy’s brown boots extending up past her knees to better fit the pirate aesthetic. She sports some white sleeves as well, with red nails that add a bit of detail included. A good thing about this Overwatch skin concept is that, while the clothing is unique and fits the theme, it is not overly complicated. As such, the cosmetic seems more like something that would actually be seen in the game.

However, the coolest thing about the concept is not the changes made to Mercy, but to her Caduceus staff. The character’s iconic weapon gets some major additions, like a gold snake wrapped around a majority of the staff - with its head stopping at the hilt. Right above where Mercy holds the staff is a skull with a red bandana, with a blade going directly through the skull. The blade is seemingly the part of the staff that would spin when healing or damage boosting, and the addition of the skull is a great way to make Pirate Mercy imposing.

Unsurprisingly, the Overwatch community responded well to the skin, with it getting over 1,800 upvotes over the last few days. With Overwatch 2’s release date likely far off, at least artistic fans like amandazerepp will have plenty of time to make more concepts.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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