Since the original game's release in May 2016, the Overwatch roster has grown to include a diverse selection of heroes. That number is increasing even more with the upcoming launch of Overwatch 2, which is bringing three new characters to the roster. Despite new additions coming to the franchise, some classic characters from the original game’s release remain popular, such as Pharah.

Pharah is a Damage character that has been a part of the original Overwatch since launch. She is the daughter of the Support character Ana and features an assortment of offensive abilities, such as a Jump Jet that allows her to fly through the air for a short period of time. In addition, her impressive combat armor lets her unleash deadly attacks on enemies positioned below. Recently, one player decided to pay tribute to the character with an incredible piece of artwork.

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A user known as KingLeBr0n23 on Reddit shared a piece of fan art they created based on Overwatch. Specifically, this image imagined what Pharah would look like as pixel art. While the game takes place in a 3D environment, the Reddit user managed to recreate the classic appearance of the hero in a 2D art style. In the image, Pharah appeared to be hovering in the air and had her arm extended, seemingly ready to fire a Concussive Blast from her combat armor.

Impressively, KingLeBr0n23 managed to replicate many of the iconic features of Pharah when transferring her design to pixel art. The image featured her signature combat armor, complete with her Jump Jet and gold helmet. In addition, the artist chose a yellow background with several white bands that went diagonally across the image. To finish the design, they even put the Overwatch logo in the top right corner, while “PHARAH” was written in stylized font next to the character.

While this Pharah artwork is impressive, it is not the only Overwatch pixel art created by KingLeBr0n23. Over the past couple of months, the Reddit user has shared a number of creations on the platform, including one that revealed what Mei and her robotic sidekick might look like as pixel art. In addition, the artist has posted numerous other pixel art pieces from other franchises on their Reddit page for those interested in seeing more.

It will be interesting to see what other creations talented gamers such as KingLeBr0n23 are able to come up with in the coming weeks. In addition to this Pharah pixel art, other members of the Overwatch community have been posting fan art based on the game. For instance, one fan recently created an animation that showed how Orisa received her braids for Overwatch 2. With Overwatch 2 scheduled to release in early access in only a couple of months, it seems likely that even more fan art will surface on the internet as hype for the sequel grows.

Overwatch is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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