Nearly every good game has those moments that make a player sit back in shock and think, "Did that really just happen?" Overwatch is especially suited to display those moments with the Play of the Game feature, where the most impactful play gets shown front and center at the end of the match.

Orisa, a tank hero in Overwatch, has an ability that fires a slow-moving projectile that can be triggered at any time to pull nearby enemies a short distance toward it. This can be used to pull enemies off of a capture point, group them together for a nice combo with another teammate's ability, or, like in this case, to pull enemies off the edge of the map to their deaths.

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The clip was posted on the Overwatch subreddit on Reddit by user mustardmanmaniac and shows their Play of the Game footage from a match on the Volskaya Industries map. Using the Reindeer Orisa skin—appropriately themed for the wintry Russian map—mustardmanmaniac edges out from behind a corner as the enemy team rushes toward the capture point and expertly launches the Halt orb out over the edge of the map, then triggers it to pull the entire team off the ledge to their deaths.

It's always satisfying to see a team's worth of kill markers pop up one after the other, and especially when it's a result of such a clean outplay using the environment like that. The pull range on Orisa's Halt ability is on the shorter side as well, so getting it perfectly timed and positioned off the edge to make sure the other team is completely pulled off takes more than a little practice and skill. Luck plays into it as well, of course, since a lot of players have learned taking that particular cliffside path can lead to exactly what happened in this clip.

Unfortunately for Orisa players, Halt team wipes like this will soon be a thing of the past. Orisa's kit is getting a major rework in Overwatch 2, which releases in October. Instead of Halt, she'll have a javelin throw that pushes an enemy back and stuns them, as well as a javelin spin that will push enemies back. With the right positioning players could manage to knock enemies off a ledge for a fun environmental kill, but it probably won't be as satisfying to see as a whole team getting pulled into the void with Halt.

Now, being on the receiving end of that ability probably wasn't as fun as playing the Orisa. If the enemy team took a safer route to the capture point after respawning, however, they might have been able to get some payback for the humiliation. Failing that, they can just wait until Overwatch 2 comes out, and then they won't have to worry about Halt anymore.

Overwatch is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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