Overwatch 2 is completely changing how the game is played. Instead of six players per team, Overwatch 2 will only have five players on each team, with two Damage heroes, two Support heroes, and one Tank. This change necessitates some dramatic reworks for various members of the Overwatch 2 roster, with Blizzard recently revealing exactly how it's changing Doomfist and Orisa in the upcoming sequel.

Overwatch 2 is changing Doomfist from a Damage hero to a Tank, and as one might imagine, this will include major changes to his kit. To make Doomfist a tankier character, Blizzard is upping his health to 450, while buffing his Hand Cannon so that ammo recovers every 0.4 seconds. Hand Cannon damage is being slightly nerfed, however, from six to five per pellet. Rocket Punch will fully charge faster, hitting max charge at one second, though impact and wall slam damage from the move are both being reduced. Seismic Slam will now launch players in a manner similar to Winston, and it will deal damage and slow enemies on impact. Doomfist's Ultimate, Meteor Strike, will now slow enemies when they're hit and can be used in 0.5 seconds, though its outer ring damage is being reduced.

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One of the biggest changes to Doomfist will see his Uppercut ability completely removed from the game. In its place is the Power Block ability, which allows Doomfist to block damage, buffing his Rocket Punch in the process.

Tank hero Orisa will also be seeing major changes in Overwatch 2, arguably more than Doomfist, even though she's sticking with the Tank class. Orisa's Augmented Fusion Driver is being changed, so now it starts off by firing large projectiles that shrink down the more it's used, and instead of using ammo, players have to make sure it doesn't overheat. Orisa's Fortify ability is still in the game, though it will now boost her health by 125 and makes it so the Augmented Fusion Driver doesn't overheat as fast.

The Augmented Fusion Driver and Fortify are surviving in the transition to Overwatch 2, but Orisa's other abilities aren't as lucky. Once the rework is live, Orisa will be losing her Protective Barrier, Halt, and Supercharger. These will be replaced by a new Energy Javelin that Orisa can throw at enemies as well as spin to increase her speed and destroy incoming projectiles. Orisa's new Ultimate ability is called Terra Surge, and according to Blizzard's notes, it will "sweep in enemies and anchor down," giving Orisa the effects of Fortify and building up a surge of damage.

It's likely that there are even more major reworks on the way for the Overwatch 2 roster, so fans should keep that in mind. They'll be able to test some of these out for themselves once the Overwatch 2 PvP closed beta rolls around on April 26.

Overwatch 2 is in development.

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