The Overwatch community has plenty of running jokes, ranging from the Reaper shrug to Genji’s constant need for healing. However, one fan has taken the Overwatch community’s feelings about Mei to a whole new level.

Despite the tragic backstory shown for Mei in her Overwatch animated short, the character’s personality is as bright and cheery as it gets. On par with the likes of Tracer and Brigitte, Mei is constantly showing kindness and maintaining her upbeat attitude. However, this positive outlook on life goes completely against her in-game moveset. As such, many believe Mei is eviler than she lets on, a theory that is furthered by some of her threats in the Snowball Offensive brawl.

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While Overwatch 2 will rework Mei to remove the ability, the current version of the hero is able to freeze enemies in place using the primary fire on her Endothermic Blaster. With the frozen enemies helpless, she then launches a sharp icicle directly into their heads, killing them instantly. All this is done with a smile on her face, making it seem like Mei enjoys taking out the rest of the Overwatch cast. It is this evil Mei meme that likely inspired Reddit user chrys_draws to make some fan art that shows this “hidden” side of the Damage hero.

On the left side of the Mei drawing, the Redditor leaves Mei mostly the same. She can be seen smiling, with her eye closed and a pleasant expression on her face. She is also wearing her signature fur coat based on the design around her neck, while her hair is held up like it is in most of her appearances. The only difference on the left side of the artwork is a horn that sprouts from Mei’s head, and it serves as a nice indication that Mei is beginning to turn into the demon that so many see her as.

The right side of the image shows the transformed version of Mei, and it is more reminiscent of the Oni skin for Genji than anything else. A pitch-black eye can be seen in place of Mei’s normal color, while sharp teeth extend from her open mouth. A pointed ear is seen by the other horn, and the only thing that remains from Mei’s original appearance is her hairstyle. A neat touch sees her fur coat replaced with a smoke-like texture fitting of a demon, and the piece has unsurprisingly received some positive comments from fans.

While it seems unlikely for there to ever be an official Mei skin that turns her into a demon, this fan’s work gives fans a good idea of what it could look like. With neat art like this, it does not seem like the Mei jokes will be going away anytime soon.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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