Overwatch was released back in May 2016, and since then, gamers have continued to return to the game year after year. One reason for the popularity of the title is its roster of characters. Boasting 32 playable heroes across 3 classes: Support, Damage, and Tank, there is no shortage of options for players to choose from when going into a match. One of the most well-known of these characters is Tracer, and recently, one gamer decided to make a unique highlight starring the teleporting hero.

In a post on Reddit, a user known as Maximiniii shared a video of a recent animation they completed. According to the creator, they wanted to recreate one of the animations for Tracer seen in Overwatch. The clip started with a LEGO version of Tracer standing on a desk and looking at Overwatch playing on a monitor. After watching a highlight intro for Tracer, the Minifigure attempted to try the move as well. The camera watched as the LEGO dashed to one side of the desk, paused for a moment, and then did a somersault in the air.

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In addition to showing off this Overwatch animation, Maximiniii provided some details behind creating the video. While it looked like stop-motion animation, it actually was not. Interestingly, the artist decided to use the 3D software Blender to make the impressive-looking clip. However, they noted that they purposefully wanted to keep a stop-motion look despite using advanced technology. In addition, they stated that it took a lot of trial and error to get the animation to look right.

This incredible LEGO Tracer video shared by Maximiniii on Reddit caught the attention of numerous members of the Overwatch community. With over 8.6K upvotes in the last couple of days, many were impressed with the animation. Among the comments, fans claimed that the video was so convincing that it looked like it was shot with traditional stop-motion. “Thought for a moment that this was actual IRL stop-motion,” bioticsgeorg said on Reddit. In addition, some praised the creator for deciding to use a LEGO Minifigure version of Tracer for the animation. "I love legos so this was awesome," zbady20 remarked.

While this LEGO Tracer animation was doubtlessly impressive, it was far from the only creation shared with the Overwatch community over the last couple of weeks. For example, another artistic fan recently designed an intriguing skin concept for Sigma that reimagined what the Tank might look like in his retirement years. Time will tell what other exciting creations are shared by the game's community going forward. Perhaps Maximiniii will even make more animations for other Overwatch heroes in the days ahead.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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