There are a few interactions in Overwatch that just satisfies the soul such as a well-timed Cassidy Dead-Eye for 3+ kills, a 5+ hero Reinhardt Shatter that ends in a Team Kill gong or even a D.Va Bomb that ends in a multi-kill. However, many fans would agree that there's something about making an amazing play from the Support role that makes Overwatch that much sweeter. One player posted their highlight to the Overwatch subReddit, proud of their Ana Sleep Dart play.

The play in question occurs on the Escort map Rialto streets phase, where it seems like the attacking team has just regrouped and are making their way back to the point. The video is from the perspective of the Ana player, though because of how the Overwatch highlight system works now, it's unclear if this game was in Quick Play or Competetive. The opposing Sigma decides to pre-empt the team push with a Gravitic Flux to slow them down.

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The enemy Sigma player has inexplicably shifted from right behind the building to left out into the open. Instinctively while airborne, the Ana player pre-aims, pulls out the sleep dart, and lands it perfectly to clutch sleep the Sigma player which also cancels their ultimate move. What makes the play even better is that Sigma's move from right to left has also taken him close enough to the edge of the map where there is no standing surface to land on and he falls into the river for an environmental kill.

The comments under the post are filled with congratulations to u/ST1TCH1343, who calls it the best play of their career, for the impressive play. There is admiration for the player's calculation of where to fire the dart as the Sigma is not only moving left but also slightly upward in his attempt to dodge any incoming damage. Other comments are questioning the opposing Sigma's play, seemingly setting themselves up for failure by being a bit too eager to follow up on the Flux's slam. They've put themselves not only in an open position with no personal shield, but also close enough to the edge of the map for the environmental kill.

Canceling an opponent's ultimate in that fashion is such a satisfying feeling, as Ana and other supports, in general, tend to be bullied by the other roles. That skill shot is one that even some streamers and Professional Overwatch players tend to get wrong when the situation arises.

Overwatch is now available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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