An Overwatch 2 player created a piece that shows Kiriko in the style of the animated series Adventure Time. Gamers enjoy creating art dedicated to their favorite video game franchises, showing their love for the titles that they play. This includes artwork for Overwatch, a series that many have come to enjoy.

Kiriko is one of the new characters that was introduced in Overwatch 2. She is a part of the Support role in Overwatch and is able to protect her allies while utilizing kunai for damage. Kiriko can also call upon a kitsune spirit to assist her while in battle and buff teammates by making them faster.

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A Redditor known as maycong drew Kiriko and her kitsune spirit in the Adventure Time style. The piece features the long legs and dot eyes that the animated series is known for while also retaining many of the aspects for the character that are seen in Overwatch 2. This includes Kiriko's fox mask and some of the markings seen on the legs of her kitsune partner. Maycong did state that they are thinking of drawing Moira as Ice King and Mercy as Princess Bubblegum, continuing the crossover. The artwork is adorable and is an amazing combination of two beloved franchises.

Maycong's art has gained a number of fans. One user stated that they are a huge Adventure Time fan, and thanked maycong for their artwork. A commenter said that the leg length was done right, while another asked for a crossover between Overwatch and the fighting game Multiversus. Maycong's work shows the dedication that fans have for their favorite franchises and helps display that love in a creative way.

Maycong is not the only artist creating awesome art based on the FPS series. A Redditor named KingLeBron23 made pixel art of Pharah from Overwatch. In the piece, Pharah can be seen hovering in the air with her arm extended, readying an attack. KingLeBron23 did a great job capturing the look of her armor in a 2D medium, which includes the Jump Jet and gold helmet that she has on. The piece features a gold background with a few diagonal white bands that help serve as accents. The work is finished off with the Overwatch logo, as well as the characters name typed out in a pixel style font. Both maycong and KingLeBron23 did a good job of making artwork dedicated to the Overwatch series that can be enjoyed by anyone who plays the game.

Overwatch 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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