Fans of Overwatch can dive into a new Experimental Mode update adding a host of changes. Blizzard's hero-shooter has had plenty of tweaks over the years, and there are few signs of the developers stopping. This recent update to Overwatch Experimental adds nerfs to Echo, buffs to Sombra, and more.

In recent years, content updates for the game have been coming at a slower rate. While players wait for Overwatch 2 to release, Blizzard tests ideas in this mode. Sometimes this even includes crazy hero changes like the April Fools' Experimental update. While this round is a more grounded, there are still some interesting adjustments for certain characters.

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Two of the more contentious hero additions, Echo and Sombra, are receiving various tweaks. Originally, fans took issue with Echo because of Ultimate ability spam and sustainability. She now comes out of her Duplicate form with the life she had before, or at least 100 HP, rather than full health. Sombra, on the other hand, can be divisive due to her hack which can prevent others from using their abilities. While this is not changing, she can now Fade quicker, and the movement speed bonus is 60 percent rather than 50.

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Though these are noticeable changes, they are not the only ones that will catch fans' attentions. A holdover from the April Fools' Day update, D.Va's Call Mech will now do 250 damage, making her pilot form a force to be reckoned with. Overpowered Reinhardt buffs see some balance thanks to an armor nerf from 250 to 200. Orisa's Halt and Moira's Biotic Orb are getting cooldown reductions of eight to six seconds and 10 to eight seconds, respectively. Baptiste's healing is getting some changes too, with Immortality Field seeing a decently sized nerf. Finally, Roadhog's Scrap Gun is getting buffed from six damage-per-projectile to 6.6.

Once again it seems Blizzard is willing to bring the hammer down on certain characters, while giving others a boost. Echo's nerf should be welcomed, since her Ultimate ability can be a get-out-of-jail-free card in most situations. It is difficult to say whether Sombra's change will drastically change player opinions, but at least it buffs her speed rather than nerfing her hack in Overwatch.

No doubt D.Va's Call Mech change will cause major debate in the Overwatch community. What seemed like a silly buff in a previous Experimental updates may now actually come to the game. Many players dislike DPS Moira too, so seeing a buff here is questionable. Nevertheless, fans will just need to try out the changes for themselves after updating the game.

Overwatch is now available for the PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: Blizzard