Echo probably has the most unique Ultimate in Overwatch, as it allows her to turn herself into a copy of whoever she targets with it. As one would expect, the Ultimate then grants Echo all of the abilities of the person she copied, including their Ultimate. And this Ultimate — while in the hands of Echo — has an increased charged rate.

On top of this, when Echo successfully copies someone, Overwatch literally treats her as that hero. So she also gains all of the quirks the hero might have. For instance, some characters in Overwatch can build their Ultimate in the midst of activating it. So when Echo copies them, she can too.

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Essentially, this means that Echo can combine two whacky traits: her accelerated charging of copied Ultimates, and the character quirk of building an Ultimate while using it. The result of this unholy fusion allows Echo to potentially crank out two to three copied Ultimates with just the activation of her one.

LukeTheNinja12 revealed this trick on Reddit a few days ago. His post features a video showcasing some of the characters that Echo can't achieve multiple Ultimates with — such as Widowmaker — and some of the ones that she can, such as Mei.

Anyone unfamiliar with how the "Ultimate building" trick works may find what's going on in the video to be a little difficult to understand, so here's the rundown: Certain characters have the power to charge their next ultimate while activating their present. They just have to be able to land a hit during the animation, preferably a kill.

In Mei's case, right as she throws out her Blizzard Ultimate, she can build her next by shooting someone with one of her icicles. Effectively, she can develop her next ultimate while using her current.

This exact scenario plays out in Luke's video. Because the game treats Echo as Mei while transformed, she can perform this trick too, but at an accelerated rate. So while throwing down her copied Blizzard, Echo shoots Mei in the head, which immediately grants Echo a second Blizzard.

At first glance, the trick may seem absurdly broken, but it's actually pretty difficult to perform. The user has to satisfy a variety of conditions to make it work, which can be hard in the middle of a heated game. But too bad for anyone on the wrong end of it if it does succeed. Whether or not Blizzard will nerf her over this remains unseen.

Overwatch is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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