The Overwatch community is always suggesting ways that the game can be improved, which range from ideas for story developments to potential hero reworks. The latest suggestion technically falls into the latter category, though not in the traditional sense of balancing an Overwatch hero or changing their abilities.

The suggestion focuses on the Overwatch hero Echo, and more specifically, her Ultimate ability. Called Duplicate, the skill allows the Damage hero to become one of the characters on the enemy team. During this brief duration, Echo will be able to use her selected enemy’s abilities and their Ultimate, with the charge-up speed for the copied Ultimate being incredibly fast. Echo will also mimic the appearance of her chosen target, only with a completely blue visual design.

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For Reddit user and Overwatch player 11601, this blue hue could be outdone if Blizzard ever wanted to make Echo’s Ultimate flashier. According to the fan, instead of Echo becoming a blue version of the hero she copies, she could expand and adapt her robot form to match the design of the chosen enemy. This way, players would still be able to read the character that Echo copied, but she would also maintain parts of her default look. 11601 then included several interesting examples of concepts from artist Dana Pull, like an Echo-Roadhog hybrid with Echo’s insignia on its stomach that can be viewed here.


Alongside the interesting Roadhog concept, five other designs were included. The first was for Winston, which is instantly recognizable since he already uses some white armor. Echo also ends up on all fours like the genetically engineered ape. Doomfist is next, and alongside a larger frame and adjusted posture, Echo has a massive arm that is clearly meant to resemble the Talon leader’s gauntlet. Widowmaker is the third design, with the assassin’s signature long hair captured by a blue light beam.

Similar light beams are used for Junkrat and Orisa, the final two designs from Dana Pull that the Redditor chose to showcase. In the case of Orisa, she gets some blue horns, while Junkrat’s peg leg is cleverly replaced with the blue texture. All of the designs are excellent, and the idea is interesting, so it is no surprise that the post managed to bring in over 15,000 upvotes in the time since it was posted. While it is unlikely that Blizzard would ever put in all this effort to make Echo’s Ultimate flashier, as creating Echo-themed models for every hero she could copy would take a ton of resources, it is still fun to imagine seeing the designs in-game.

Given how great the Echo-themed skins look, though, perhaps they could inspire a future batch of Overwatch cosmetics. A lore event centered around Echo could be fun, especially if it provided several heroes with skins that resemble the concepts seen above.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: Reddit