Since the launch of the Nintendo Switch, a number of video game industry professionals have been throwing praise at Nintendo, as shown by the congratulations sent by industry heads. However, Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan has been able to give some praise for a specific game. Recently, the Blizzard director took to Reddit for an AMA session, and dubbed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild a "masterpiece."

Specifically, Kaplan was asked what his favorite game is to play - apart from Overwatch, of course. There, the director stated quite simply "Right now? Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's a masterpiece." It's certainly an endorsement that Nintendo will be happy to have.

Kaplan is far from alone in his praise of the latest Zelda title, either. Game ZXC's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review was overwhelmingly supportive of the title, pointing out the stunning world that Nintendo has created for the game. Meanwhile, the critical response across the board has been hugely positive, resulting in the game sitting pretty with a score of 97 on Metacritic.

The Overwatch director didn't only talk about the latest Zelda, though, and also gave some insights into both his career in the industry and into Overwatch in general. Kaplan told the story of how Overwatch came to be, with his team working on a cancelled game and then given only six weeks to pitch new game ideas to the studio. From there, the team drew inspiration from some "amazing characters" that Arnold Tsang was drawing, and combined with ideas from Geoff Goodman surrounding a class-based MMO to eventually form the building blocks for Overwatch.

Kaplan also talked about some of his favorite moments from his history in game development. In particular, the Blizzard director pointed out that working on vanilla World of Warcraft holds a "special place" in his heart, stating that the "game world was so much fun to create." Meanwhile, his love for working with Blizzard is quite evident, stating that he feels "incredibly lucky" to be working with the developer - and given that Activision Blizzard is one of the top 100 companies to work for, it's easy to see why.

When it comes back to Breath of the Wild, though, it's great to see so much of a positive reaction to a video game within the industry itself. Hopefully, the game's lasting legacy will prove to be as positive as this initial praise.

Source: Reddit