Six years into Overwatch, the competitive game mode has a reputation as a place that can be a bit intense and has the potential to bring some of the worst traits out of players. Despite penalties, reporting system improvements, and in-game incentives to keep players in a competitive match, disgruntled players still leave Overwatch games and inconvenience their opponents as well as their teammates that now have to suffer through the one-sided advantage or disadvantage of an uneven team. But sometimes, a light moment shines through as one player experienced recently.

After their five other teammates abruptly quit an Overwatch match on King's Row, a player was allowed to win the game as their opponents stood down and even pushed them to the victory. The clip shared on the r/Overwatch forum by zzzzzzzztuo starts as the player's Mercy is casually pushing the payload through the final point and tying the match to force overtime.

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For the entirety of their overtime attack round, the enemy team did nothing. They only stepped out of the spawn room and surrounded the Mercy, not causing any damage to their opponent. The opposing players did just enough moving to keep from getting kicked for inactivity and allowed their overtime attack round time to expire. On attack, the sole Mercy player simply breezed past their opponents. In a show of slight impatience, the opposing Lucio player even booped the Mercy onto the point as she slowly meandered towards the objective.

Redditor u/zzzzzzzztuo even credits his opponent's Play of the Game highlight, which shows them getting a 4-kill Genji blade that decimated their opponents, including the Mercy player that they showed benevolence to later. That play may have been one of the focal points that led to the Mercy's teammates leaving early, and the substantial overtime attack time of 3 minutes.

In year six of Overwatch, many players seem to care less about their Ranked Skill Rating (SR), especially at the lower levels of Gold and below. A lot of players have all the skins and golden weapons they could want and simply go to the Ranked mode looking for a more serious and structured match than what Quickplay has to offer. Even with lowered intensity, players often get caught up in the emotions of competition. Rage-quitting is that emotion getting the best of players either just as or before they delve into worse behavior. It's nice to have a wholesome moment coming from a ranked game for a change.

Overwatch is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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