While Overwatch players can look forward to several special events every year, Summer Games remains one of the most popular. Alongside Lucio Ball, the event sees heroes dressing down for the warm weather — and one Overwatch fan wants to see Ashe do the same.

Ashe has gotten plenty of love from Blizzard and the Overwatch community as of late. Ashe’s Deadlock Challenge saw special cosmetics being added for the gunslinger, giving fans a chance to equip the character with a brand-new skin. As for the Overwatch community, a recent Ashe cosplay saw one fan nailing the red-eyed gang leader’s default outfit, bringing her to life. Another Overwatch fan has continued this trend of Ashe-related content, with GarrettTorres’ special concept seeing her and Bob dressed in an entirely fresh way.

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Ashe would look right at home with Lifeguard Mercy, as both concepts see the heroes gearing up for a swim. While Ashe’s concept does see her retaining her signature white hair, it is cut short to help her keep cool. Her bathing suit is also unique, as it sees none of her usual dark colors being used. Instead, it is more vibrant, with green, purple, and blue used heavily. An orange towel wrapped around Ashe’s waist is a nice touch, as is the floral pattern adorning it. The last bit of clothing sees Ashe wearing some pink and yellow sandals.

What makes this Ashe skin concept particularly cool is how it handles Ashe’s weapons and equipment. For starters, her dynamite is replaced with a water balloon, with the “explosive” strapped onto her thigh. Her sawed off shotgun takes the form of a squirt gun, with Ashe aiming the weapon as part of her pose. The same squirt gun style carries over to her Viper rifle, with the hero holding it behind her head. With green, orange, and red seen on the weapon, it matches her colorful bathing suit well.

As is the case with any standout Ashe outfit, Bob’s design is equally important. GarrettTores nails this aspect of the Ashe costume, however, as the butler gets a hilarious look fitting of a day in the sun. Like Ashe, he wears a bathing suit, with Bob’s outfit boasting some traditional red and white stripes. He also wears a snorkel and flippers, with an adorable duck floatie around his waist. Not content with having the cuteness stop there, though, the Redditor attached a mini umbrella above Bob’s head. While he may be willing to gun down whoever gets in Ashe’s way, he clearly is not a fan of the sun.

With the event likely coming in August, it is probably too late for Blizzard to make this Summer Games skin a reality. Still, it would be great to see something like it debut in next year’s event, as the artwork is top notch.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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