A game like Overwatch, with its emphasis on PvP gameplay and roster of unique heroes, begs for mastery of a small selection of heroes rather than being a proverbial jack-of-all-trades. By doing so, a player can make the most of said heroes' unique swath of abilities in matches and swing the outcome in their team's favor with just the right play or, at the very least, create some fun clips to share online. One player was able to do the latter with Ana during a match where using Ana's abilities, they were able to score an elimination on the opposing team's Widowmaker thanks, in part, to the minefield awaiting under the opposing sniper.

Overwatch was released in 2016 and was the first truly new IP from Blizzard since 1997's StarCraft, dropping players into a colorful, alternate-near future Earth protected by the titular organization. The multiplayer-focused hero shooter originally pitted two teams of six players against each other in objective-driven multiplayer matches, though modes like team deathmatch and free-for-all were added later, along with changes to team structuring. Blizzard would also add some limited-time PvE events for players to enjoy, offering a break from the competitive PvP.

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The aforementioned clip was posted on Overwatch's official Reddit page by user CaptainnTedd, a player keen to share their Widowmaker elimination during a payload escort match on Blizzard World. Tedd's team can be seen in somewhat of a stalemate with the opposing team at the archway leading to the WarCraft-themed part of the map when the Widowmaker attempts to zipline up to the archway. Tedd manages to time their sleep dart shot perfectly to catch the Widowmaker before she gets up to the archway, falling into the minefield below laid by the Hammond on Tedd's team.

As incredible as Tedd's perfectly timed sleep dart from Ana is, it highlights just how useful the ability is and what makes her a consistent choice as a support hero. Her primary weapon, alone, serves as a good 1-2 punch with the ability to both heal teammates and damage opponents from a distance. Her alternate abilities only lean into this flexibility as her biotic grenade serves a similar purpose as the sniper rifle, though over a small area, while the sleep dart can sometimes turn the tide of a gunfight by taking a player out of the fight for a few key seconds before they recover or are eliminated by Ana's teammates.

It appears Ana won't be changing that much in Overwatch 2, either, as Blizzard is only making small adjustments to the hero's ammo count and ability cooldowns. This will likely come as a relief to many Overwatch veterans anxiously awaiting the sequel, meaning gamers may see a lot of Ana players running around during the first few months following Overwatch 2's release, and it could open the door to more plays like the one Tedd pulled off.

Overwatch is currently available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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