As many fans of Overwatch know, the franchise contains a lot of lore based on its diverse cast of characters. For example, one intriguing storyline is the familial dynamic between Ana and her daughter Pharah, two playable heroes in the game. Recently, one player revealed that Ana can fly just as high as her daughter, even without Hover Jets, under the right circumstances.

As the first hero added to the roster after launch, Ana has been a popular pick in Overwatch for several years. She is a Support-class character that provides a significant amount of utility to her team. For instance, Ana can heal her teammates through her Biotic Rifle, which allows her to fire healing darts. In addition, she has a Sleep Dart to stun opponents and a Biotic Grenade to provide additional healing for her team. Recently, one gamer took their Ana gameplay to new heights, quite literally.

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Taking to Reddit, a user known as Mo3Q shared a highlight from a recent game of Overwatch. The clip started with the Reddit user playing as Ana during a round on the Garden section of Lijiang Tower, a Control map. In the video, the player moved with their team to contest the objective. However, things took an unexpected turn when the enemy Roadhog managed to hook them. While this looked like the end for the Ana player, the game had other ideas.

After being reeled in by the Roadhog player, Mo3Q suddenly found themself launched into the air, going much higher than the surrounding buildings. While this turn of events was likely surprising for the Reddit user, they managed to make the best of the situation as they landed an incredible Sleep Dart on an enemy player. After posting this video to Reddit, Mo3Q quipped that “Ana knows how to fly better than her daughter.”

Since Mo3Q posted this hilarious Overwatch clip of Ana flying through the air, a large number of gamers have taken notice. In fact, the clip has managed to gain an impressive 9,100 upvotes over the last week since it was uploaded. Among the comments, many players discussed the mother-daughter relationship between the two characters. In addition, others pointed out how incredible it was that Mo3Q managed to land a Sleep Dart while flying high above the battlefield.

It will be interesting to see what type of plays gamers will pull off with Ana in Overwatch 2 in the coming months. Despite the game still not having a release date, Blizzard has noted that another beta for Overwatch 2 is expected sometime in the near future. Until then, it seems likely that players will continue to come up with insane highlights in the original Overwatch.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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