The new "Clockwork" skin for Zenyatta in Overwatch 2 has caught the eye of one player thanks to its added layer of detail. Because it is on Zenyatta's back, they assumed that others in the Overwatch 2 community may have missed it and shared their discovery on r/Overwatch.

The Overwatch League has released a skin for every tournament stage and for the Countdown Cup playoff qualifiers split. Every skin so far has been well received regardless of if a player actually plays that character. Zenyatta's new skin follows suit with his design holding many references to time. The Clockwork skin for Zenyatta is mostly white and gold. His front tassel looks like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, and the orbs all have infinity symbols in blue highlights. There are also cogs on the front and back of Zenyatta. But to go that extra mile, these cogs tick like the second hand of a clock.

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Redditor House_of_Vines noticed that the cogs on Zenyatta tick as the gears of a clock would, rather than just turning constantly. Having them rotate would be a nice touch to the skin by itself, but making them tick gives it that little extra. The cogs on the front move in the way the wheelwork in a real clock or analog watch would. As one cog turns clockwise, the other moves counterclockwise, which makes the hands of the clock face move and keep time accurately.

The Overwatch 2 skin designers tend to have fun with some of the designs that end up in the game, and Zenyatta is sometimes the recipient of some of these quirky touches. The Toybot skin released for the 2020 Winter Wonderland seasonal event had Zenyatta as a toy robot with a digital screen showing his expressions, which would change during emotes or when he is attacked. On the back of this skin is a power switch that would also switch off and have the batteries fall out when he is killed.

Despite the intricacies of the skin, the comments under the post made remarks about the price of the new Overwatch League skin and the state of the game. There is an air of contempt that a skin with this much detail and costs as much as it does in the premium currency of OWL Tokens is in the game while there are many overlooked gameplay issues. Many of these fans feel that the monetization opportunity was prioritized to the detriment of the gameplay. Though the designers, animators, quality assurance, and many other developers work independently of one another, fans have clung to scrutinizing the game as a whole, sometimes for good reason. Blizzard has been making regular updates on the state of the game throughout the weekend, but many issues with Overwatch 2 remain.

Overwatch 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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