
  • Overwatch 2 is considering making significant changes to heroes Wrecking Ball and Cassidy, potentially in 2024.
  • The developers want to make Wrecking Ball easier to play while maintaining his unique abilities and fitting better in a 5v5 format.
  • Cassidy's abilities are being reevaluated, and he could receive tweaks or a full-blown rework next year in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 is currently considering reworks for Wrecking Ball and Cassidy. While nothing is set in stone right now, there is a decent chance Overwatch 2 players could see significant changes to these heroes in 2024.

Wrecking Ball is one of the more unique and challenging heroes in Overwatch 2, with his ability to move around the battlefield unpredictably with his Roll and Grappling Claw. On the other hand, Cassidy is a straightforward sharpshooter who has seen many changes to his abilities over the years–some of which allow him to survive powerful attacks in Overwatch 2 like D.Va’s ultimate.

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During a recent stream, Overwatch 2 players and content creators Emongg and Flats spoke with game producer Kenny Hudson and lead hero designer Alec Dawson. At the 3:07:40 mark during the Twitch VoD of the interview, the developers confirmed Overwatch 2 is looking at making bigger changes to certain heroes, and according to Dawson, “there’s this shortlist of heroes… and Wrecking Ball near the top of that.” The hero is incredibly unique, but the devs recognized playing with Wrecking Ball as the sole tank can be frustrating for some players. Though nothing is confirmed yet, it sounds like Overwatch 2 wants to make Wrecking Ball easier to play with while keeping the core of his abilities intact.

Overwatch 2 Wrecking Ball Hammond

“I think we don’t want to take away how special Wrecking Ball is. He is probably the most unique hero we have in the game… the mobility and being able to master that and everything is just something you don’t find anywhere else. It’s a skill players have really learned over time. But how can we make it so he fits a little bit better in 5v5? How can we make it so that players feel that… they’re just a little bit happier having Wrecking Ball on their team?” - Alec Dawson

Later, the developers spoke about Cassidy, the controversial cowboy of Overwatch 2. The sharpshooter was one of the 21 launch heroes from the original Overwatch, so his kit is considered to be relatively vanilla by many, including the developers. They confirmed they weren’t happy with his abilities, and that they are considering some changes. While there is no info on what those changes might be, it seems likely that Cassidy will get some tweaks, if not a full-blown rework, next year in addition to Wrecking Ball.

On the other hand, Dawson and Hudson said they were satisfied with where other contentious Overwatch 2 heroes like Reinhardt and Genji are right now. While the heroes may receive slight tweaks here and there, it seems like they are not on the list for major reworks in Overwatch 2 at the moment.

All in all, it seems like Overwatch 2 is satisfied with its recent reworks to Sombra and Roadhog, as well as the nerfs they have given Bastion. Roadhog has one of the best win rates across all Overwatch 2 tanks right now, and while he may need nerfs later, the devs are waiting until after the meta stabilizes after Mauga to make any decisions. Either way, if Wrecking Ball or Cassidy receive reworks next year on the level of Sombra or Roadhog’s this year, Overwatch 2 players will have a lot to look forward to in 2024.

overwatch 2 poster
Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is Blizzard's free-to-play team-based first-person shooter. The title features some new heroes like Junker Queen and Sojourn, as well as returning favorites.

PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Switch , Xbox One S , Xbox One X , PC
October 4, 2022