Overwatch 2 fans have seen a handful of the game’s reworks, and thus far, Blizzard has made it very clear that it is taking the switch to 5v5 seriously. Bastion looks like an entirely different hero, as he can move in turret form and has a brand-new Artillery Ultimate. Mei can no longer freeze players, instead doing significantly more damage with her primary fire. Sombra can hack while cloaked, while Reinhardt gets a cancelable pin and two fire strikes. As for Winston, he’ll be getting a whole new ability for his weapon.

While fans will surely still be able to leap great heights and place shields as the genetically engineered monkey, his Tesla Cannon is being given a rail gun shot as well. As shown in the Overwatch 2 clip that breaks down the ability, the Tank is now able to shoot a powerful shot from his weapon that is incredibly accurate. This allows him to take down heroes like Pharah from a distance, a welcome addition to his arsenal due to how much he previously struggled at range. However, with the switch to 5v5, Winston could need a few more adjustments to become part of the meta in the sequel.

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Adjusting Winston’s Barriers And Damage In Overwatch 2


While it is great to see Overwatch 2’s Winston rework bringing a new way to deal damage with the character, Blizzard should not stop there. The switch to 5v5 means that there will only be one Tank on each team, and because of this, every Tank needs to be able to carry an entire group of heroes. In his current state, it is hard to imagine Winston doing this, as his barriers lack the protective capabilities of the game’s main Tanks.

Heroes like Orisa, Reinhardt, and Sigma should be fine when it comes to their barriers, as the anchor tanks all provide shields that their team can hide behind. However, the other Tanks are a bit of a mystery. While Zarya could be allowed to bubble more teammates, heroes like Roadhog and Wrecking Ball have no shields, which will make their reworks interesting. Winston finds himself somewhere between a Roadhog and Reinhardt, as while he does have shields, they are weaker and less viable than those used by other Tanks.

One potential change Overwatch 2 could make to Winston’s kit would see his Barrier Projector making a larger bubble. This would allow more players to get inside the bubble, protecting more of the team and making it more effective. With the extra size could come a larger health pool for the barrier, with Winston’s bubbles able to take more hits from the enemy team. This could make fights more interesting, as with the bubbles taking a lot more damage, enemies may be more interested in stepping into the barrier to fight Winston and his allies.

Another barrier change could see Winston’s barriers being left as is, but the Tank being given the option to set down two bubbles at once. This could allow him to cover two separate power positions in one of Overwatch’s Control maps, locking down one area while protecting teammates that are in another. If he places two barriers in the same area, he could supercharge the bubble, making it twice as strong at the cost of a longer recharge time. Shield adjustments seem like the best way to make Winston more viable in the highly anticipated sequel.

On top of this, adjusting the damage output of his primary fire could be a must. With reports of Mei’s new damage potential suggesting that she can kill her foes a whole lot quicker, Winston should get a similar boost. With Tanks now needing to carry a team on their own, they need to dish out more damage. As such, the Tesla Cannon’s electricity putting a larger dent in health bars is a necessity. If the beloved primate and brilliant scientist is given more versatile shields and a stronger weapon, he could be more viable than ever before in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 is currently in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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