Now that Overwatch 2 is in early access for PvP, players have begun to complete their Weekly Challenges to earn Overwatch Coins. However, some fans have noticed the weekly progression rewards for Overwatch 2 seem to be backwards from what they might expect.

Players can complete Weekly Challenges in Overwatch 2 to earn progress on the Battle Pass. In addition, completing multiple Weekly Challenges in a single week earns players a small stipend of Overwatch Coins to spend on in-game unlocks. These milestones come when players complete 5, 8, and 11 Weekly Challenges.

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However, some players noticed players got 30 coins for the first milestone, and then 20 and 10 for the next two respectively. They thought it seemed backwards from what they assumed would be the case–increasingly greater rewards the more time was put into the game each week. Some players were angry at the lack of incentives to achieve these higher milestones, and felt cheated by the decreasing rewards in Overwatch 2.

Other players pointed out the seemingly-reversed progression of rewards in Overwatch 2 was actually a good thing. Frontloading the greater rewards means casual players who don’t have time to complete all the Weekly Challenges can earn more benefit than they otherwise could. On the converse, players who would complete all the Weekly Challenges anyway will get the same reward regardless. If the progression track was reversed, casual players would be punished for being unable to commit as much time to the game.

The real problem with Overwatch 2’s Weekly Challenge rewards is the low rate of rewards in the first place. Completing all of these challenges earns players 60 Overwatch Coins. Considering a normal skin unlock costs 300 Overwatch Coins, players would have to save a month’s worth of coins to unlock. Other cosmetics would take even longer, with legendary skins requiring nearly eight months of grinding in Overwatch 2 to purchase. If Overwatch 2 wants to truly incentivize players to complete its Weekly Challenges, many players believe it should dramatically increase the rate they earn Overwatch Coins.

The launch of Overwatch 2’s PvP mode has been fraught with problems. Beyond the unpopular business models and creative decisions, multiple DDoS attacks, crashes, and glitches have caused its opening days to be disappointing for many fans. Hopefully Overwatch 2 can stabilize its servers and swash the remaining bugs that remain so players do not simply give up on the game before its full release in 2023.

Overwatch 2 is free-to-play for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Overwatch 2: How to Get Overwatch Coins