
  • Be mindful of Venture's cooldowns, as using abilities together is crucial for success with this hero.
  • Learn to adapt one's playstyle with Venture, who fills different niches and can disrupt the enemy team effectively.
  • Master Venture's one-shot combo for swift takedowns, but be aware of their low range and use of ultimate strategically.

The latest Damage hero to be added to Overwatch 2, Venture is one of the most fun heroes to play. Releasing from a successful trial period, the new hero has shaken up the meta a bit and is definitely a hero that players should learn.

Overwatch 2: 10 Best Heroes To Rank Up With In Season 10

With Season 10 of Overwatch 2, players looking to climb the competitive ladder may want to consider the following heroes.

Despite being the newest hero to be added, they are the only hero without any Legendary skins at the moment, which fans are not too pleased about. That being said, Venture is still an absolute blast to play, and many players will want to get to grips with their unique and powerful kit as fast as possible.

1 Be Aware Of Cooldowns

Venture Depends On Their Cooldowns Massively

  • Venture struggles when their abilities are on cooldown
  • Using abilities together is key to succeeding with Venture
  • Venture's hitbox is quite large, making them a sitting duck

Venture comes with some fun abilities, including their unique "Clobber" passive. However, players must make sure they're aware of their cooldowns as Venture is a very cyclical hero, relying on the use of cooldowns in very specific fashions rather than random use, meaning that players need to get used to cycling their abilities instead of individually using them.

When Venture doesn't have abilities ready, they are a sitting duck as their hitbox is quite generous, and they cannot get any shields from the Explorer's Resolve passive, meaning that they are very easy to collapse on as a team.

2 Find The Best Playstyle

Venture Fills Many Niches

overwatch 2 season 10 winners losers
  • Numerous playstyles on Venture exist
  • Players must be adaptable and alter how they play during the match
  • Alternating between flanking in enclosed areas and helping in the frontline battle is important

Like some other type-based games, Venture fills several different niches despite being quite a situational hero. They are incredibly close-range, meaning that players can adopt a more "camping" playstyle, involving holding space in a small room and taking angles within Venture's range of combat.

Overwatch 2: 23 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

These Overwatch 2 characters can be tricky to play as effectively, especially for beginners.

Alternatively, players can play alongside their Tank, helping out on the frontline. Venture is quite a disruptive hero, as Burrow and Drill Dash both cause enemy displacement. This means that Venture players can massively disrupt the enemy team by pushing the enemy Tank into their team or just dealing heavy damage with the primary fire or abilities.

3 Know The Kill Combo

Venture Has A Powerful One-Shot Combo

overwatch 2 Venture
  • Venture has a very accessible one-shot combo
  • All their abilities deal very high burst damage, making the combo incredibly fast
  • The combo doesn't involve Burrow, leaving this ability as an escape tool

While some players have identified that Venture can burst Widowmaker incredibly fast, they can also burst down basically any non-tank in the game with the correct combo involving the primary fire, Drill Dash, and the Clobber melee. This combo is incredibly easy to perform and leaves players with the Burrow ability to get out of danger once performed.

All players have to do is land their primary fire, followed by a Drill Dash, followed by another primary fire, finishing with a melee. This deals upwards of 300 damage, allowing them to swiftly take down any out-of-position Damage or Support heroes. This makes Venture a very punishing hero to play against, and players should look to take advantage of this raw amount of DPS.

4 Learn Venture's Range Of Engagement

Venture Has Low Range, Which Can Be Tough To Learn

  • Venture's range is incredibly poor, making them unviable in Poke compositions
  • Drill Dash and Burrow can be used to close the gap
  • Make sure to be map-aware and force fights in small areas

One of the hardest parts to get used to in Venture's varied kit is their incredibly low range. Very few characters are similar in this regard, with only Reinhardt, Reaper, and Brigitte sharing this niche with Venture. While Drill Dash and Burrow can be used to get into a closer position, Venture quite literally deals zero damage beyond 20 meters (with the exception of their ultimate).

Overwatch 2: 5 Best Brawl Heroes

Brawl team compositions in Overwatch 2 are incredibly fun, but some heroes are more suited to it that others, with these heroes being the game's best.

To combat this, players need to know their maps well and try to force fights in enclosed areas where Venture has the upper hand, thanks to their Drill Dash and Smart Excavator range limits. Additionally, Venture's ultimate is great in tight areas where everyone is clumped together.

5 Be Smart With Tectonic Shock

Venture's Ultimate Can Be A Game-Changer, But Only In Certain Situations

  • Tectonic Shock should be used mid-fight
  • It is likely not a team-clearing ultimate
  • The ultimate is great for securing an area of the map

Venture's ultimate, Tectonic Shock, is similar to Earthshatter in that both abilities travel along the ground and provide a unique effect, with Reinhardt stunning and Venture dealing great damage. However, Tectonic Shock, while potentially devastating, can be quite awkward to use, meaning it should be used in a chaotic fight rather than as an ultimate to immediately secure kills.

Tectonic Shock is best used when players can land the shockwaves onto multiple enemies rather than using it to win a 1v1 duel, as the fire rate of Tectonic Shock is quite slow, meaning enemies have a chance to take Venture down before they can get a second shockwave off, but if used on an off-angle, Venture can find incredible value by "shockwaving" the enemy supports from a flank.

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Overwatch 2

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October 4, 2022