
  • The latest update for Overwatch 2 introduces substantial hero balance changes, including a significant buff for Tank hero D.Va.
  • Other hero balance changes include adjustments to Support hero Lifeweaver, with reduced projectile spread and increased healing abilities.

Blizzard has released a substantial new update for Overwatch 2 that kicks off Season 6 and makes sweeping hero balance changes, including a big buff for Tank hero D.Va. The latest update for Overwatch 2 is perhaps the most substantial since the game originally launched in early access back in 2022, giving fans of the hero shooter plenty of new content to check out.

After downloading the latest Overwatch 2 update, fans that fork out $15 for the PvE content can play three new story missions, while everyone else can try the new Flashpoint game mode. Anyone that picks up the Season 6 battle pass for Overwatch 2 can get instant access to new Support hero Illari, though other players will have to reach at least tier 45 of the free track to add her to their roster of playable heroes.

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Existing Overwatch 2 heroes have seen some major changes with the latest update. This includes a serious buff for D.Va, as Blizzard has reduced the cooldown time of her Boosters from 4 seconds to 3.5 seconds. D.Va players will now enjoy 0.4 seconds of invincibility when ejecting from their mech. These changes should definitely make D.Va harder to kill than she was pre-patch. Those that want to see all the Overwatch 2 hero balance changes can click here to view the full patch notes.


The D.Va buff is one that sticks out a lot in the Overwatch 2 update patch notes, but many other heroes on the roster also get some attention. Support hero Lifeweaver, who Blizzard has changed multiple times since his introduction, is getting yet another tweak in this update. The spread of his Thorn Volley projectiles is being reduced by 25%, while the healing from his Rejuvenating Dash is being increased from 25 to 50. 50% of Lifeweaver's Tree of Life overhealing will now be converted into Overhealth for a maximum of 100 Overhealth.

It remains to be seen how Overwatch 2 fans will react to the changes made in this update. It's possible that fans will react negatively to things like the D.Va buff and Blizzard will have to revert the changes accordingly. On the flip side, it's possible Overwatch 2 players will be happy with these hero balance changes and Blizzard will focus its balance tweaks elsewhere. Overwatch 2 fans can download the new update and hop into Season 6 to test the new hero balance changes for themselves.

Overwatch 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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