The latest update for Overwatch 2 brings a long list of hero changes and bug fixes alike, though many fans have been disappointed to discover that one of Kiriko's biggest issues still hasn't been properly addressed. While Overwatch 2 has been prone to countless frustrating bugs over the past few seasons in particular, few have been as consequential as a bug affecting Kiriko's Swift Step ability throughout the past several months.

Kiriko herself has quickly become a fan-favorite member of Overwatch 2's wide hero roster following her introduction alongside the sequel's early access release. Hailing from Japan, she is one of the game's newest Support heroes, wielding a number of useful abilities that can get both herself and her allies out of trouble in a pinch. Alongside a potent healing ability, Kiriko can use her Protection Suzu to cleanse allies of negative effects and temporarily render them invulnerable, while also teleporting to nearby allies via her Swift Step ability. This teleportation ability makes it easy for Kiriko to reach teammates in need of healing while also providing her an effective escape option when the situation calls for it.

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It's no overstatement to say that Kiriko's Swift Step is one of her most important abilities, though it has seen several big problems due to bugs over the past few seasons. It's not too uncommon for the Overwatch 2 ability to unintentionally teleport Kiriko out of bounds or even fail to teleport her entirely, and while instances of this are frequently shared on social media, the issue hasn't been addressed in recent patches. One player known as Ms_Fire_Emblem on Reddit drew attention to a different bug fix regarding Kiriko that was made in Overwatch 2's latest update, which fixes the character's melee animation upon using Protection Suzu rather than addressing the elephant in the room.

Perhaps most interestingly, Blizzard had actually claimed to have addressed Kiriko's teleportation bug in a patch for Overwatch 2 several seasons ago, though the fix was clearly ineffective as the issue has persisted for players since then.

That said, the latest update for the game has aimed to patch up a long list of problems, with dozens of new bug fixes covering nearly all bases from characters to maps. This new update also kicks off this year's Summer Games event in Overwatch 2, while also making a number of bold balancing changes to many heroes that fans have split opinions over.

Overwatch 2 is available in early access on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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