Overwatch 2's second Season is all about Ramattra, the new Tank Hero and leader of the Null Sector omnics. The inclusion of Ramattra in the game has been hinted at all the way back to the Storm Rising event in 2019, and he's only the third of many Heroes to be added to Overwatch 2.

The potential new Heroes coming to Overwatch 2 is one of the hottest debates among the community, with theories, leaks, and data-mining constantly at work to discover who will make the cut in the next Season. This work is complicated by the richness and depth of the Overwatch 2 lore, with both the maps and supporting media full of references and hints to certain characters who have that Hero potential.

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Mauga Unreleased Hero Concept

Of all the potential Heroes that might be added to Overwatch 2 in the future, Mauga is probably the most likely inclusion. A hulking Talon Operative and former friend of current Hero Baptiste, Mauga means "Mountain" in Samoan, a fitting name for a giant of a man and heavy assault specialist.

All indications are that Mauga would be a Tank in Overwatch 2, particularly as he was meant to be Hero 31 before being replaced by Sigma due to not fitting Sigma's Abilities. However, it has already been confirmed that the next two new Heroes after Ramattra will be Supports, meaning that it's probably going to be at least a year before Mauga gets his second shot to join the line-up.

Asa Yamagami

Overwatch 2 Asa Yamagami

Asa Yamagami is the mother of Kiriko, as well as an important figure in the backstories of both Genji and Hanzo. A blacksmith, ninja, and former swordmaster of the Shimada Clan, Asa taught Genji, Hanzo, and Kiriko how to fight with the katana, as well as the agility required to climb walls. When the Shimada Clan fell, Asa's husband was kidnapped by their rivals the Hashimoto Clan.

Using her husband's life as leverage, the Hashimoto protected themselves from Asa's vengeance and forced her to keep the peace in Kanezaka. Asa's inclusion in Overwatch 2 would also follow a tradition of family teams, with Torbjorn and his daughter Brigitte, brothers Genji and Hanzo, and Ana and her daughter Pharah already in the game. Although there isn't a Kanezaka Tank in Overwatch 2 so far, Asa's role would most likely be DPS or a buffing Support if she was added.

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The MEKA Squad


Current Overwatch 2 Hero D.va is a member of the Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army, an elite team of mechanized walker pilots who defend their homeland against omnic attacks. While D.va splits her time between MEKA and Overwatch, the rest of her team are not yet Overwatch Heroes.

The four other members of the MEKA team who might make the grade as playable Heroes include Casino, D.Mon, King, and Overlord. Every member of MEKA comes with their own custom mech, which could help differentiate them from D.va's Tank combat style in Overwatch 2. Alternatively, it's possible that the established members of the MEKA support team may take a more hands-on approach to defending the world, including D.va's childhood friend and mechanic Dae-hyun Park, or her commanding officer Captain Myung.

The Mysterious Silhouettes


One of the most reputable reveals of potential new Heroes happened during a 2019 visit to the Blizzard offices by Game Informer's Andrew Reiner, during which he was briefly shown the silhouettes of four upcoming characters.

One of these characters was clearly an early version of Kiriko, described as a short-haired woman with a fox companion. Another, described as a wizard or voodoo priest with a crooked staff, sounds a lot like Tank Hero Ramattra. The final two silhouettes were both female, but didn't match any leaked concept art or existing characters at the time, meaning that they certainly weren't Sojourn or Junker Queen. Possible alternatives include Iggy the London-based revolutionary omnic, or Ingrid Lindholm, wife of Torbjörn and mother of Brigitte.

The Original Pitch Heroes

Overwatch 2 Cut and Unreleased Heroes

Although it's unlikely at this point, there's still a chance that Blizzard may decide to build on the Hero designs that were included in the first ever pitch meeting for Overwatch. The pitched Heroes were based on art from Blizzard's defunct Titan project, and although most of them have never been used, several are recognizable as Heroes that made it into the Overwatch 2 roster.

The most notable candidates remaining from among the pitched Heroes include:

  • Brit - A mech-mechanic who has also been teased on the Hanamura and Kanezaka maps.
  • Helio - An electric-themed Support Hero who appears briefly in WInston's Recall trailer.
  • Mama Hong - A particularly controversial hero among the development team, and fan-favorite meme among the community.
  • McCloud - A sword-wielding Scottish Hero who has been teased on King's Row and Esperanca.
  • Psyblade - A psychic-themed DPS Hero.
  • Recluse - A robo-spider Hero who was teased in an early piece of gameplay concept art.

While it's unlikely players will ever see these Heroes added to Overwatch 2 in their pitched form, it's almost certain that some of the upcoming Heroes will be inspired by their themes, abilities, and appearances.

Overwatch 2 is out now in early access for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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