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Torbjorn was always strong. Even when used in situations where he's not great, veterans made him climb the leaderboards in the first game. Overwatch 2 has somehow made him even more powerful and cracked down on situations where the hero isn't called for.

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There have always been jokes about Torbjorn mains and Overwatch 2 isn't going to take those jokes away. But opponents might not be laughing very hard when he's constantly getting plays of the game and cracking down on annoying DPS units.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn Finishing Off D. Va

With an immobile defensive turret, there is no way to ignore that Torbjorn is an extreme defender. His self-heal can get him out of a bad situation, but he's got no escapes or mobility skills. His role is fairly defined. With extreme team chemistry, he can build a turret on the escort target to protect, but this is an uncommon situation.

Torbjorn is not all about his turret, however, as he's got a lightly-arcing shot from range and a shotgun blast if things get up close and personal. Torbjorn is able to modify his fighting style based on DPS against him, so he's tough to pin down. Be ready to change style depending on the type of enemies faced. Against the best tanks in the game, Torbjorn's sustained DPS is high enough to take down shields and expose opponents to headshots.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn Using Ultimate On An Escort Car

Rivet Gun

  • Primary Fire: Slow firing, long-range weapon.
  • Alt Fire: An inaccurate but powerful short-range weapon.

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There is a slight arc to the primary fire of the rivet gun, but it's got a great amount of range and hits like a sniper's shot, complete with the capability to headshot. New players to the franchise will love the second fire. Similar to Roadhog's gun, it's a powerful shotgun-style fire for large targets or opponents who get too close.

Deploy Turret

  • Deploy a self-building turret.

The turret starts out fully upgraded, so toss it down and watch it go. The cooldown to use it again only starts after it is destroyed. Try to play it in a savvy location. The turret is the defining feature of the hero, as Torbjorn is can attack enemies from two angles.

Forge Hammer

  • Swing to repair a turret or damage an enemy.

The turret is not all that strong. Every second the turret is down is a second that Torbjorn is not at his full damage capabilities. Therefore, it's critical to keep the turret alive. Keep it restored with the Forge Hammer every so often and get back to shooting.


  • Gain additional armor as well as attack, movement, and reload speed.

Torbjorn's latest overhaul is a colossal change that enables him to compete with some of the more typical DPS heroes. Additional armor is the equivalent of a heal. Afterward, Torbjorn is given additional attack and movement speed. With either fire capable of killing a target in two hits, an increase to his fire rate is a huge deal.

Molten Core

  • Create pools of molten slag that damage enemies. Deals additional damage to armor.

Torbjorn further cements his position as a defensive stalwart with his ultimate. It floods an area with lava, rapidly draining the health of anyone who stands on it. At critical moments, this can single-handedly win the game by keeping foes from where they need to go.

Tips & Tricks

Overwatch 2 Torbjorn Gets A Headshot On Moira

Many amateur players have Torbjorn overlooking his turret. In reality, the best move is to have the turret overlook Torbjorn. The turret is so weak that it should not be in any trouble. Its damage, while steady, is also nowhere close to Torbjorn's primary or alt fire.

Some infiltration-style heroes such as Traver and Genji, who are tough to hit, are automatically hit by the turret as well. Let ranged support and backline DPS know where the turret is. If such a hero shows up, they can run to safety. The turret automatically hits, making players want to destroy the original game. It's just as strong in Overwatch 2.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn And Mercy Guarding A Point
  • Zenyatta

Despite being an elite support hero, Zenyatta is a pretty easy kill for somebody who gets to the back lines unless he's got Torbjorn's turret defending him. Zenyatta can also very easily heal Torbjorn with an orb so that Torbjorn can save his Overload for offensive purposes.

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  • Bastion

If it seems excessive to have two defensive heroes at once, ask what's wrong about being excessive on defensive maps. Bastion can clear out the skies and hit from range while Torbjorn protects him with a turret and takes care of the mid and melee-range enemies.

  • Roadhog

It may seem cheesy, but even the pros aren't against hooking enemies over to a turret. Roadhog was notoriously nerfed a few years ago making it so his hook combo is no longer an instant kill against most heroes. By hooking victims into range, his combo works just like it did before.

  • Junkrat

Junkrat has a Steel Trap that can lock players in front of a turret. Even without his combo, players are given two places to run to should an opponent invades the backlines. Junkrat can bump enemies back and then Torbjorn is well within range to finish them off.

  • Symmetra

Similar to Junkrat, Symmetra's turrets act as another layer of defense against invading enemies. With so many non-safe places to be, a combo of Symmetra and Torbjorn will force infiltration heroes to repick.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2 Torbjorn On A Kill Streak

Deadly heroes like Tracer, Wrecking Ball, and Reaper who make a living on the enemy's backlines can't stand a good Torbjorn player and will often switch out immediately. Even the players who survive the encounter often switch because they just fill up Torbjorn's ultimate ability. Mobile healers like Lucio and Moira are also out of luck.

Without a counter, Torbjorn is one of the best DPS heroes in the game and is almost unreachable. But he is weak against heroes such as Pharah, Echo, Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Soldier: 76 that can hit his turret (and him) from safety. Zarya is particularly nasty as the turret will charge up her Energy damage by automatically hitting her.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.