Overwatch 2 provides players with dozens of various game modes, from the commonly utilized Team Deathmatch, to original modes like Overwatch's Escort. All of these different game modes differ in many ways from each other, so it's proven to be crucial in adapting to the style of a game mode. For instance, a player who has just played Team Deathmatch and is now transferring into a game of Escort, will have to change up how they play in many ways, otherwise it can cost the team their victory.

Fortunately, with the first Overwatch having been available for years, there are countless tips out there to support players in their adaptation of each game mode. Escort, one of Overwatch 2's most popular modes, is one mode that stands more unique than other modes on the game. Escort requires two teams consisting of 5 players each in either defending "cargo," or attacking to get the cargo to the other side of the map. Because of its objective, this game mode requires patience, teamwork, and plenty of strategic thinking.

7 Knowing Your Hero


In Overwatch 2, there are more choices in characters than ever before! With new tank, damage, and support heroes, players have so many different heroes to exceed with, and that can be a problem within itself. It's important to really know the role as a hero, and use the hero set to its full potential.

This means really choosing a hero you'd like to play as, learn how to play them well, and then go out there to show off the skills derived of hard-work. This also benefits one's team, especially if one plays as a support.

6 Targeting The Supports

Overwatch 2 Kiriko Making Threats

In Escort, whether the players are attacking or defending, supports always remain a crucial aspect within a team. Since there are two supports on a team of five, there are two different sources of healing for the rest of the team. (Aside from med-kits around the map).

When the enemy team is swarmed around the cargo, or payload, it's notably strategic to take out the team's source of vitalization; the support heroes. With an absence of healing, the team can be eliminated quicker, and leave the payload wide open.

5 Knowing The Map Layout

overwatch 2 dorado map

Escort has plenty of different maps that players will compete within. These maps are pretty large, as well as complicated sometimes. This makes the battlefields of each escort game perceivably different, with different hallways, doors, buildings, high-grounds, and more places to take advantage of.

The skilled player will have knowledge of the map layouts, and take advantage of different point to access the payload, or enemy team. In different situations, this can be an extremely beneficial factor in obtaining victory in Escort. Maybe slipping behind enemy lines and sneaking the payload away would work, or simply finding a route to get behind them and utilize Cassidy's ultimate. It is, overall, a good idea to know the map.

4 Ultimates Can Ultimately Be The Ultimatum

Each hero that a player can choose from in Overwatch 2 has their own unique ultimate. Generally, each ultimate tends to shine within their role. For example, support heroes usually would have an ultimate that support other teammates, and damage heroes have ultimates that are used to eliminate enemies.

In Escort, the battle is constantly moving throughout the map, so it's crucial that a player time their ultimate right. With an ultimate that is timed right, it can change the course of the game. D.V.A can help defend a payload by using her ultimate to surprise the enemies on top of the payload, blowing them up with her mech; or at least causing them to scatter away.

3 Counter-Picking

Overwatch 2, Moira, Support

As all fans of Super Smash Brothers would know, it can be very important to utilize characters that have an advantage over their opponent. Sometimes, this can be the sole means to victory. In a strategic plan, players can perceive which heroes the enemy team is currently utilizing, and understand those hero's sets. Knowing that can help a player to choose their own hero that can counter an enemy's unique ability.

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For instance, a Kiriko can utliize her protection suzu in a precise moment of timing on some deadly attacks, like D.V.A's ultimate. Another example would be a Moira attacking a Genji because he can't deflect her damage attack. With a team of countering characters, victory can fall into friendly hands with ease.

2 Tank And Supports

dva reinhard brigitte and mercy grid

There are three different roles in Overwatch 2: Damage, Tank, and Support heroes. All three of these roles are considerably important to achieve victory in any mode on Overwatch 2. In Escort though, the combinations of tank and support heroes can prove incredibly assertive towards winning.

With the right tank and support, the two can help each other to hold down a payload, whether that be in attacking to get the cargo to the end of the map, or defending the cargo from the ambitious enemy team. Damage heroes defend too, but their importance lies in the sole fact of getting rid of the enemy team. Tanks and supports have a large role in actually holding down a payload.

1 Working As A Team

The most important aspect of victory within most all of the game modes that Overwatch 2 offers, is the utilization of teamwork. Because Escort is a five versus five competition, with three different roles in each team, it's important for every member of the team to focus on working together rather than going at it alone.

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Some characters like Cassidy and Reaper do have advantages to being a lone wolf, but in the game of Escort, it's still important to know the combinational strength of one's teammates. Like with tanks and supports, it's important to work together to achieve victory; everyone has the same goal, after all. It's also beneficial to use the chat system that Overwatch 2 provides, as it can help organize strategic plans.

Overwatch 2 available to play for free on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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