As many surely know by now, Overwatch 2 is switching to 5v5 gameplay. This adjustment means that Blizzard needs to rework a vast majority of the game’s hero roster, as several characters would no longer be effective in this new style. The most important class to get right will be Tanks, as each team in Overwatch 2 will only have one Tank to lead their push.

Intriguingly, it seems like Blizzard is not only reworking Tanks for the sequel, but adding to the lineup of Tanks as well. Recently, it was confirmed that Doomfist will become a Tank in the sequel, which is a massive change for the gauntlet-wielding Damage hero. With such a major shakeup, there are a few positives and negatives that could be seen as a result of this change.

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The Pros of Doomfist Becoming a Tank

Rumor Overwatch 2 Could Be Giving Doomfist Major Rework

As for the upsides of Doomfist becoming a Tank, perhaps the biggest is that Tank players will have more options. For years, Overwatch fans have pushed for more Tank heroes, as there are very few in comparison to the massive lineup of Damage characters on the roster. Now, Tanks will have another character to choose, letting them change things up without switching roles. Further, those that love playing as Doomfist will get into matches quicker, as those queuing up for the Tank role do not have 10-minute wait times like Damage players.

Another upside to Doomfist becoming a Tank is that his style differs from all the other heroes in the role. While Reinhardt’s has melee options via his hammer, he is much more focused on his shield and is limited as to what he can do with his melee attacks. Doomfist’s unique combos and abilities will make him stand out from other Tanks, giving fans access to another off-Tank like Roadhog or D.Va in the process.

The Cons of Doomfist Becoming a Tank


Doomfist becoming a Tank is not guaranteed to be a good thing, though, and fans can expect a rough period where players are learning to play as the Tankier Doomfist. Those that play the character now will have to re-learn him, as he will likely play very different from what they are used to, and those teaming up with Doomfist users will have to be patient as they master the character’s new style. This window of time when players have to relearn the hero could be longer or shorter depending on how much is being changed with his Overwatch 2 redesign.

Given how different the current Doomfist is from a Tank, it will be interesting to see what abilities Blizzard gives the hero and if he ends up with a source of healing. There is a chance that the changes make him less fun to play or fight against, though, which could be a potentially massive con. With this seeming like one of the biggest Overwatch 2 reworks yet, Blizzard needs to be extra careful that Doomfist is not underpowered or overpowered once the sequel debuts, as either could see his pick rate moving too far in either direction.

Fortunately, the upcoming Overwatch 2 beta will give gamers the chance to see the hero in action, with some lucky fans even getting the chance to play as him. With this in mind, players will have the chance to make sure the Doomfist rework is a positive thing, letting Blizzard know exactly what it needs to change before release. Through constructive criticism about the beta, the potential cons of Doomfist joining the Tank lineup could be eliminated, with the change becoming nothing but a positive.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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