With the release of Hero 32 Echo in the Overwatch PTR, Blizzard's hero-shooter is up to 17 Damage heroes compared to just eight Tanks and seven Support heroes. The lack of heroes for other classes has long been a complaint in Overwatch, but it's something that Blizzard will seemingly rectify with the sequel. It's been confirmed that the upcoming Overwatch 2 will see the addition of more Tank and Support heroes.

This was confirmed by Overwatch 2 game director Jeff Kaplan, who said as much when speaking to IGN. Kaplan confirmed that Blizzard has a "big list" of Support and Tank heroes that are in development for Overwatch 2. Unfortunately, Kaplan stopped short of providing specifics, and with Overwatch 2's release date still a mystery, it remains to be seen when fans will learn more about these heroes.

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Right now, the only character we know will be debuting with Overwatch 2 is likely Damage hero Sojourn, whose addition will increase the number of Damage heroes to 18. It's possible that Sojourn will be joined by new Tank and Support heroes come Overwatch 2's launch, but that remains to be seen.

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One distinct possibility for a new Tank in Overwatch 2 is Mauga. First appearing in Baptiste's comic, Mauga was originally planned as a new hero for the original Overwatch. However, Mauga's abilities were then reconfigured into the new Tank hero Sigma. It seems plausible that Blizzard will develop new abilities for Mauga and finally add him to the game at some point after the release of Overwatch 2.

Other than that, it's hard to predict who will be coming to the Overwatch 2 roster. Blizzard has slowed the release of new Overwatch lore in recent months, likely so it can focus its resources on the development of Overwatch 2, and there aren't really any teased characters that fans have been speculating much about as of late.

If Overwatch 2 releases in 2020 as predicted, then hopefully that means more information on new Tank and Support heroes will be made available to fans by the end of the year. In the meantime, Overwatch fans try new Damage hero Echo in the PTR while they wait for her to be added to the full game.

Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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Source: IGN