Overwatch 2’s returning events have been a mixed bag. While new events like Battle for Olympus have been interesting, featuring never-before-seen brawls to enjoy, two returning events have offered nothing new for returning players - those being Lunar New Year and Winter Wonderland. Thankfully, Summer Games is more comparable to Halloween Terror in the sense that it will be featuring a brand-new limited time mode in addition to the old one.

While Overwatch 2 fans will still be able to enjoy Lucio Ball, the hero shooter equivalent of Rocket League, they will also be able to take part in a new competition centered around Winston. Details are scarce as to how the mode will play, but it is Blizzard’s take on the sport of volleyball, which suits the Summer Games style since Lucio Ball is a spin on soccer. Players will likely take the form of Primal Rage Winston, juggling balls and attempting to knock them to the other team’s side of the net. This should prove to be entertaining, though Blizzard successfully adapting another sport shows that Summer Games still has a ton of untapped potential.

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Other Sports That Can Become Summer Games Modes in Overwatch 2

overwatch summer games 2021 event

With the Overwatch 2 roster being incredibly diverse, and the characters having interest in a number of sports, Blizzard can and should continue adding fresh brawls with each Summer Games event. The wait between Lucio Ball and Winston Volleyball was far too long, and hopefully more limited time modes can come each year. After all, Summer Games is a spoof on the Olympics, and the sheer number of sports to adapt means that a lot of content is possible.

One great option would be Pharah Basketball, as the rocket queen has made it very clear that she loves the sport thanks to some dialogue and a special highlight intro. With this knowledge in mind, it simply makes sense for this Damage hero’s sport of choice to be adapted next, as it is easy to think about how Overwatch 2's take on Basketball could work. Instead of Pharah’s launcher shooting rockets straight, they could drop off very quickly, allowing players to take shots from a distance - recreating the concept of three-pointers. To be more like real Basketball, only one Pharah could have a working rocket launcher, with the other team needing to melee this player to “steal” possession.

Football is another fun sport to consider, as Reinhardt’s Gridironhardt skin revealed that the German knight has a fondness for the American pastime. A fun way to approach the Overwatch 2 version of this sport would be to look at how two Reinhardts will stun each other whenever they collide. This could be a great way to handle "blocking," with a non-Reinhardt running back like Soldier: 76 needing to sprint to the endzone while dodging charging Reinhardts - or being defended by friendly Reinhardts that pin into the opposition and knock them down.

There are a few other athletic Overwatch 2 heroes to keep in mind, such as Zarya and Tracer. For Zarya and her weightlifting, players could compete in bouts of button mashing or a rhythm game like Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s squats. As for Tracer, a sprinting course could see multiple players racing to get to the finish line before their opponents, making tough jumps and timing their blinks carefully to win the free-for-all contest.

Sprinting, weightlifting, basketball, and football are just some of the many sports that Blizzard can embrace for future Summer Games activities. Winston Volleyball is exciting to see, and given how much untapped potential exists with this event, it should not be the last time Blizzard adds a sports-themed brawl to its hero shooter. Instead, it should make yearly additions the norm, building to a proper Overwatch 2 Olympics further down the line.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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