Overwatch 2 is finally giving fans a story mode to enjoy, with the PvE offering being one of the most appealing things about the sequel. While Overwatch 2’s PvP content will surely be the most important thing about the hero shooter, the potential of its campaign is clear. Gamers love the cast of Overwatch, so seeing all the characters interact in cutscenes and story missions will be exciting. From Tracer to Sojourn, fans can expect to see many heroes taking center stage in the campaign.

However, one character that Overwatch 2 fans may not expect to see have a big role is Junkrat. Thus far, the insane Australian has been relegated to a comedic relief role, with his story kept separate from those tied to Talon and Overwatch. However, the sequel could change this. Alongside more character development, Junkrat could help introduce an exciting new character to the game. His own backstory could be weaved into the main narrative, too, with a proper mission included as well. While it remains to be seen if Junkrat will get some time in the spotlight, Overwatch 2 is the best chance for that to happen.

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A Springboard For Overwatch 2’s Junker Queen

overwatch junker queen poster

While there are a number of characters that could become playable heroes in Overwatch 2, one of the best options is the Junker Queen. Gamers can hear the royal figure speak whenever they play the Junkertown map, as she talks over the speaker once gamers have reached the door. Her throne can also be seen at the end of the map, serving as the final resting spot for the payload. On top of hearing her voice, gamers can get an idea of how she looks via a poster on the map. She also featured briefly in Wrecking Ball’s reveal.

With the Junker Queen having used a mech like the Overwatch hero D.Va, and shown wielding a mace on her poster, the combination of a mech-user and melee character could be truly unique. Her backstory saw her becoming queen after dominating in the Scrapyard’s Gladiator-like battles, and once she took the throne, she began to rule Junkertown with an iron fist. Collecting taxes from those that live in the Australian outback, her stealing eventually led to a conflict with Junkrat and his bodyguard Roadhog. Through this conflict, she could easily earn herself a roster position.

Coming after Junkrat for his treasure, enforcers were sent to collect Junkrat’s mysterious loot. However, the explosives-loving criminal helped Roadhog defeat the enforcers, and a rivalry between the pair and the Queen resulted. Several attempts to overthrow her and steal from her led to the two being exiled, with the story ending there. However, it serves as a great way to introduce the Junker Queen to fans. With the character already rumored to be playable in Overwatch 2, giving more insight into her feud with Junkrat via an animated short or story mission would make sense.

A Reveal Of Junkrat’s Treasure In Overwatch 2


A great way to make Junkrat more important in the sequel would be to reveal his treasure. An intentional mystery in the story, Overwatch 2 could close this chapter and give fans a proper answer to the question. While MacGuffins are fine, the mystery has gone on for years, and many fans are forgetting that it was even teased. With it being such an integral part of his backstory and relationship with the Junker Queen, though, now is the time to see it take center stage.

If done properly, revealing Junkrat’s treasure could add plenty of depth to his character. The secret could be something that reveals a sad side of his life, turning him into more of a tragic figure than a by-the-books psychopath. The treasure could also be an important item to another figure in the Overwatch universe. It could be a secret tool that helps take down Null Sector, a weapon that Doomfist could use to plunge the world into chaos, or a huge secret that ties back to Sombra’s conspiracy.

As long as it is not played for laughs, Junkrat’s treasure being revealed could be a positive, as it would finally let fans and the character move beyond the secret. It could also see him joining one of Overwatch’s factions, taking a proper stance in the conflict between them. While there is a chance Junkrat stays neutral, getting him more involved in the story this way would be great for any fans of the hero. While he lacks the narrative importance of someone like Winston or Mercy, Overwatch 2 could change that.

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A Major Role In Overwatch 2’s PvE Content

Aaron Keller Activision Blizzard

If Junkrat’s treasure is revealed or if he is used to introduce the Junker Queen, gamers can expect to see him in Overwatch 2’s PvE missions. While he may not appear in as many levels as someone like Genji or McCree, having players fill his shoes could make for a solid one-off affair. Further, if the Junker Queen rumors are true and she does become playable, Blizzard has a major opportunity ahead of them. While she could be advertised beforehand, revealing her in a surprise story mission could be a lot of fun. Further, making her first playable appearance a mission with Junkrat could be a recipe for success.

The Junkers are quickly becoming a proper organization inside of Overwatch, as the Junker Queen would be the fourth playable character from the group. With missions built around four player co-op, a perfect opportunity presents itself. Players could control Junkrat, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, and the Junker Queen in a specific mission, leaning into the complex relationships between them. Seeing Junkrat and the Queen work together begrudgingly could prove to be a lot of fun, and the level could give more insight into life in Junkertown. While there would have to be health packs scattered throughout, as the group will be made up of tanks and damage heroes, their playstyles could be a lot of fun together.

At the same time, Overwatch 2 players could need to go to Junkertown at some point in the story, with The Junkers used as boss fights instead. Junkrat and Roadhog could work together as a double boss, while Winston could have an interesting interaction with his fellow experiment Hammond. The Junker Queen could serve as the area’s final boss, with a mech fight and melee fight giving her multiple phases. While Overwatch 2’s PvE enemies thus far have all been Omnics, involving some villainous heroes could prove fun. Regardless of what happens, though, there is a lot of potential with the Junkers — and it all ties back to Junkrat’s origins.

Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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