Overwatch 2's latest free limited time event features an AI teammate whose behavior is leaving fans ultimately worried about the upcoming PvE content. Moving to a traditional seasonal structure has giving Overwatch 2 fans a great view into what they can expect over a series of months. Not only does this include cosmetics and battle pass rewards, but accompanying roadmaps also reveal new Overwatch 2 limited time modes as well. While the current season is getting its roadmap later this month, the first limited time event has launched.

Starwatch: Galactic Rescue pits two Overwatch 2 teams in a four-point Assault match on the Infinite Galactrius. However, one of the more unique elements to this game mode is that the Rebel side is joined by an AI Doomfist bot. Unfortunately, players are reporting that Doomfist's AI behavior is less than stellar, punching walls, walking out in the open, and just generally feeding the other team easy kills. As players call the AI "laughably bad" others have begun to worry this could be a bad omen for the upcoming PvE content.

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The debate began in an Overwatch subReddit thread by a user named R3tr0revival commenting on how poor the Doomfist AI appears to be in the Starwatch event. The user went on to list a number of head scratching type behaviors Doomfist exhibits during rounds, even going as far as to attempting player resurrections, but randomly stopping, walking away, then coming back to start the process again. The entire thing has made R3tr0revival worry at how well the programming will be in the upcoming PvE side of the game, which will obviously rely heavily on AI bots.

R3tr0revival's concern seemed to be reciprocated by those in the comments, with some commenting on the AI's general lack of environmental sense, while others joked that they thought it was an actual real Doomfist player. Others showed a bit of hope that perhaps Doomfist isn't the easiest character to program for an AI and that this may have ultimately served as a testing ground for the future of Overwatch 2.

Originally intended to be part of the launch day package, the PvE side of Overwatch 2 was pushed far outside of the launch window, so players could at least get their hands on the PvP experience last year. While Blizzard has yet to confirm an actual launch date for it, fans are hoping to hear more on the studio's plans this month. In fact, some Overwatch 2 players may have found a potential PvE clue in a new playable test branch of the game for Season 6, potentially indicating an August launch.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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