Overwatch 2 devs revealed that an exclusive queue for high-ranked players is in the works. Overwatch 2 is always working to create a good gaming environment for all players. There is usually a lot of talk about unranked or low-ranked players who need a fair experience. Meanwhile, on the other side of the equation is a portion of players that is also important: the high-ranked players.

Matchmaking has been a hot topic in Overwatch 2 during the current season. The community has been debating the subject, offering various perspectives and ideas. One specific point that has generated the biggest debates, however, is the long queue times vs better quality lobbies. On one side, part of Overwatch 2 players calls for Blizzard to increase queue time to find better matches. On the other hand, players argue that this feature is not necessarily a "magic solution" for the game's matchmaking.

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While Blizzard is still working to find the ideal Overwatch 2 matchmaking balance for most players, the developers are working on an exclusive queue for GM players. In a Q&A streamed recently on the eskay Twitch channel, Systems Designer Gavin Winter shared the news. According to Winter, the new competitive mode will allow GM players to play together in a competitive environment that is not necessarily a competitive role queue. Despite revealing the news, the devs gave no further information on how the mode will work or a prediction of when the feature will arrive in the game.

Winter also used the broadcast to talk about the challenges of pitting GM Players against each other. In Overwatch 2, most of the GM to Top 500 players consist of streamers, Contenders, or Overwatch League players. Because of this, it is difficult for the system to find a really fair match promptly. In a previous broadcast, Senior Software Engineer Morgan Maddren and Lead Meta Designer Scott Mercer also talked about the high-ranking lobbies. According to them, one of the biggest problems, in this case, is simply the lack of enough players, proving that matchmaking for low-ranked Overwatch 2 players is not the developers' only challenge in this area.

The information of an exclusive queue for high-ranked players will not affect most Overwatch 2 players, but it is still interesting news. High-ranked players also suffer from the game's matchmaking, albeit within a different dynamic, so, understandably, Blizzard would work on different features for th community. Overwatch 2 has been facing problems of all kinds, but these inputs show that Blizzard is paying attention to the many different aspects of the game.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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