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With invisibility and a teleport, Sombra is perhaps the most difficult hero to take out in Overwatch 2. Her SMG damage is irritating and the fact that she disables heroes, even while casting their ultimate abilities, makes her dreaded if a pro player starts using her.

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Using her well in Overwatch 2 is a feat. Few characters have the sheer quantity of skills that she has. Her invisibility is not guaranteed and she often puts herself in danger on the enemy's backline. However, it's worth learning to master her skills. With a few tips from experts, Sombra is a welcome addition to any team.


Overwatch 2 Sombra Hunting Down A Low Health D. Va

Sombra has got some additional setup when compared to most heroes as she should have a health dispenser hacked and a teleportation location set before engaging. Once those are in place, go invisible and get to the backlines without getting close to enemies.

From behind the enemy team, hack somebody dangerous on the backlines and try to shoot them down. When things get overwhelming or an elite tank unit shows up to the party, either port out or go invisible and run away. Revisit the hacking healing station and repeat the process.


Overwatch 2 Sombra Abilities

Machine Pistol

  • Short-range automatic weapon

For those who like Reaper's attacks but would like to see them in SMG form, this is their chance. Sombra's primary attack is both inaccurate and weak, but at nearly melee range, the rate of fire is enough to eliminate a hero in just a clip or two.

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  • Aim at a unit and hold to hack it. Hacked enemies can't use abilities. Hack health packs spawn faster and can't be used by enemies. Taking damage interrupts the hack attempt.

Allies likewise see health packs through walls and use packs from a hacked station. Enemies who have been hacked can only use their primary ability. Once the hack is complete, Sombra can take damage without ending the effect, but during the hack, she must remain unscathed or else the effect fails.


  • Throw a beacon. Use the ability again to teleport to it. The location can be removed and replaced.

New players to the franchise will find themselves in many tough spots. Sombra has the best bail-out ability in the game as she can simply click a button and return to the spot of her Translocator. It can be placed on top of a healing station to heal away injuries or can be used offensively and placed in a devious spot behind the line.


  • Passive: Detect critically injured enemies through walls.

Because Sombra is not the hardest-hitting DPS unit in the game, she needs to be more of a scavenger. Pay attention when behind the line. Sombra often has to create her own opportunities, but a low health enemy that pops up on the screen is prime for a takedown.


  • Become invisible and move quickly.

This invisibility gets ruined if Sombra gets too close to an enemy, so keep away if trying to be sneaky. The extra movement speed should not be discounted as Sombra will need to exit and enter combat often. The faster she returns, the more important she is to the squad.


  • Hack enemies and destroy enemy shields and barriers around Sombra.

The area of this effect is massive, easily able to hit an entire team. Taking away all but the primary moves for all opposition is understandably powerful and this move alone makes Sombra's teammates love her.

Tips & Tricks

Overwatch 2 Sombra Hits Team With EMP Wave

Sombra isn't always going to be getting kills, but that doesn't mean she's not useful as a DPS hero. Gamers who have unlocked all the heroes are well aware that getting hacked is fatal to about any hero. Shoot even if not to kill simply to change Sombra's EMP.

Support heroes are prime candidates for Sombra's hack. They're usually healing somebody else and robbing that healing is big. Additionally, they are all usually the weakest when they can't do anything except for a primary attack.


Overwatch 2 Sombra Hacking An Enemy With Allies
  • Zarya

Zarya is a frontline ally who can protect Sombra when she's taking damage. The extra staying power is appreciated, allowing Sombra to get off an extra magazine or two worth of damage and charging her ultimate even further.

  • Reaper

As one of the game's premier DPS heroes, Reaper and Sombra can ruin an enemy team. all it takes is one hack, then Reaper can usually finish the job against anybody. It's a 1-2 punch that happens so quickly that opponents have a tough time reacting.

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  • Widowmaker

Although Sombra and Widowmaker are on opposite ends of the map, they complement each other immensely. Sombra forces enemies to turn around and Widowmaker can capitalize with a headshot. Widowmaker's ultimate reveals isolated enemies to Sombra who thrives in one-on-one situations while Sombra's ultimate takes down shields and allows Widowmaker to do what she does best.

  • Ana

As somebody who lives behind enemy lines, it takes a special support hero to reach Sombra with healing. Ana can actually do this nicely. Also, if Sombra hacks one unit, Ana can remove their ability to be healed, hitting opponents by essentially erasing two of their allies for a brief moment.

  • Winston

Sombra isn't often going to be side-by-side with a tank, but Winston is a happy exception. With his leap and shield, Sombra can take advantage of the extra protection and chaos to get in a few quick hits. Winston and Sombra together can focus a hero down every few seconds without much to stop it.

Advantages & Counters

Overwatch 2 Sombra Strength And Weakness

Think of the heroes that become next to useless with just a regular attack. Mercy, Tracer, and Genji are fodder if Sombra gets ahold of them. As a counter-infiltrator, Simbra can eliminate these types of heroes from contention. Roadhog getting interrupted while trying to heal is another good Sombra target.

Sombra is great against even the best support heroes, but Zenyatta is tough since his regular attack still hits very hard. Torbjorn and Symmetra have two points of defense, so even if Sombra can disable the hero, they'll still have their safety zones to run off to.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.