With the high-profile shooter Overwatch 2 releasing on October 4, enough time has passed for fans to get a more informed grasp on the game's current hero meta. Given the sweeping changes that have been made to pre-existing playable heroes and the implementation of brand-new ones in this sequel, established norms have completely changed.

Predictably, the new heroes introduced in Overwatch 2 - Kiriko, Junker Queen, and Sojourn - have been at the heart of this debate, with the new roles they provide to combat greatly changing how matches are being played. Of all these added heroes, Sojourn is perceived as the most overpowered by many fans, some of whom are demanding a nerf to the damage hero. There are a few key reasons why, especially coming off of other nerfs to Overwatch 2's cast.

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Recent Nerfs and Changes in Overwatch 2

overwatch 2 logo

Calls for Sojourn to be nerfed reached a fever pitch thanks to a recent spate of nerfs applied to a collection of other Overwatch 2 heroes. The damage hero Genji is receiving the most controversial of these nerfs, with his max ammo and damage being reduced comprehensively. With many feeling that the hero was in a good, playable state prior to these upcoming nerfs, some fans are upset by the changes.

The tank hero D.Va and new support hero Kiriko have received seemingly fair nerfs, meanwhile there have been little-to-no fan complaints regarding upcoming nerfs to Zarya and Sombra. While many of these changes are needed they highlight the state of other heroes who have escaped the first wave of changes to Overwatch 2. Sojourn is the most highly requested hero to nerf among the title's fanbase, with this demand only growing thanks to her absence in the recent list of changes.

Why Sojourn Needs To Be Nerfed in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Sojourn

Being a damage hero, the level of difference Sojourn can make on an Overwatch 2 match is heightened, being able to deal huge amounts of damage that many currently see as overpowered. Sojourn players are dominating lobbies with rapid projectiles that have a high damage output, commendable movement abilities, and dedicated damage abilities, but it seems as though Blizzard is turning a blind eye as things stand.

In an official response to the disapproval surrounding this, Blizzard defended the lack of a Sojourn nerf by stating how a majority of overpowered Sojourn gameplay was coming from high-skill players, and implementing a nerf would only hamper novice fans. This did not sit well with many players, especially those who are familiar with the game's ranked system, which as of late is dominated by Sojourn players.

Looking at the top player leaderboards for Overwatch 2 damage heroes, it becomes apparent how much of a fan-favorite character Sojourn is, with a vast majority of the best damage players using the new hero more than any other character. The balance of a hero should be uniform across players of all skill levels, with the refusal to nerf a character who is being exploited predominantly at one skill level only serving to alienate others. Given the extent to which Sojourn is dominating ranked and many unranked playlists, it is imperative that Blizzard introduces a nerf to the new character sooner rather than later.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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