Overwatch 2 has seen plenty of bugs both hilarious and frustrating since the game's launch, but one issue that appears to be common for many fans is causing heroes' skin and weapon textures to become disfigured in more ways than one. This uncomfortable glitch has persisted in Overwatch 2 for some time now, and many fans are becoming disheartened by Blizzard's slow pace in dealing with well-known bugs such as this one.

As the sequel to the original game and presumably in development for several years, it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect Overwatch 2 to deliver a much smoother experience than its predecessor. This has proven to be far from the case since its rocky launch late last year though, with Overwatch 2 appearing to be even buggier than the first game in the eyes of many fans. From jarring audio bugs to broken hero abilities that have resulted in multiple characters being removed temporarily from the game, Overwatch 2's development team have clearly been struggling to stay ahead of the technical issues that seem to crop up with almost every new season.

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One of the game's more common bugs relates to the appearances of the heroes in Overwatch 2, or more specifically, their skin and weapon textures. This unsettling visual bug was first pointed out several seasons ago, and for some reason, causes certain textures to be overlaid onto a character's skin. Some screenshots were provided in a post on Reddit from the user Skasue which show examples of the glitch in-game, featuring several different characters' faces being warped by odd patterns and holes. Some fans, particularly those who are trypophobic, may want to skip past the images however, as players often find the bug to be creepy or anxiety-inducing.

Many fans are still struggling to understand what causes this bug to trigger in-game, though it's worth noting that the issue seems to be more or less frequent depending on the hardware being used to run the game. Some fans playing on Xbox claim to witness the glitch quite often, while some PC players say that they've never seen it for themselves. Either way, it seems that many in the community are familiar with this odd glitch by now, and fans are upset that issues such as these are still commonplace in Overwatch 2.

Cosmetic bugs aren't currently the worst of it, either. One frustrating Overwatch 2 bug affecting Kiriko's ability to use Swift Step correctly continues to be an issue for players that main her, despite Blizzard claiming that such problems were resolved in a previous patch. Although the game's recently-released Season 5 does introduce plenty of new content alongside several bug fixes, it has also inadvertently brought a bunch of new issues along with it.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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