Overwatch 2 is shaking things up in numerous ways that go far beyond a switch to 5v5. Not only will Overwatch 2 be free-to-play, but it is also set to remove loot boxes in favor of battle passes. A seasonal approach will be introduced, PvE content will be added next year, and the leveling system from the original game will be completely removed.

The most divisive change thus far has been the announcement that Overwatch 2 will replace the original Overwatch client come October 4. While some fans understand the decision, viewing Overwatch 2 as a massive update, others are disappointed that there will be no way to access the old game and its 6v6 style. This decision also raises some questions about Overwatch’s achievement list, as Blizzard is in an interesting position.

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Overwatch 2 Should Introduce a New Trophy List, But It Won’t Be Simple


With Overwatch 2 offering so much fresh content, from the Push game mode to additional heroes like Junker Queen, a new batch of achievements and Trophies makes sense. While Blizzard could continue to expand upon the old list with bonus achievements and Trophies, it would be odd to see the old Overwatch name and logo on the list. More importantly, a completely fresh lineup would make the game feel new, giving fans some new goals and another Platinum Trophy to chase.

The original Overwatch Trophy list is not without flaws, either. Hero-specific achievements like Zenyatta’s Rapid Discord and Lucio’s Floor is Lava were a chore to get, as they forced players to spend several hours mastering the hero or required a lot of luck to pull off. With a new achievement list for the sequel, Blizzard could avoid this problem entirely. Not everyone wants to play every hero, as some fans only like the Support or Tank roles. As such, a list that focuses on win streaks, ranked play progression, PvE progress, and finding Easter eggs would be far more fun.

However, if Blizzard does craft a new achievement list for Overwatch 2, it will have to decide what happens to the original lineup of Trophies. With the old Overwatch client being replaced, a new list of achievements would mean that players have no way of completing the old list. In turn, the Platinum Trophy for the old list could become completely unattainable if a new list is swapped in, Though it would be worthwhile to give fans something new to chase, and it makes sense to introduce a batch of achievements that push players to engage with all facets of Overwatch 2, the old list would have to be addressed.

Perhaps Blizzard could auto-unlock the original Overwatch’s achievements, letting players log in before Overwatch 2’s release to instantly complete the collection. Another possibility could see special brawls added that make achievements easier to get, or Blizzard could allow players to earn Trophies in custom matches. Regardless, if a new list is coming, the clock is ticking for those hoping to add all the original achievements to their collections.

Overwatch 2’s unique predicament is a sign of PlayStation’s multiplayer Trophy problem and Xbox’s issue with multiplayer achievements, as players are always in danger of the lists becoming impossible to complete. However, a new Trophy list seems like the best move, so Blizzard should seize the opportunity to add one in once Overwatch 2 releases. Hopefully, fans also get some confirmation of what will be done with the original list in the lead-up to release, though right now it is safe to assume that there are only a few months left to unlock the old achievements.

Overwatch 2 launches on October 4 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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