The newest Overwatch 2 update featured a hidden change to Tracer's Blink ability, and many were not alerted to its existence since it wasn't mentioned in the official patch notes. Tracer has gained quite the popularity as one of the heroes from Overwatch 1, allowing players to kill the entire enemy team thanks to her powerful pulse pistols and energy-based time bombs.Though Overwatch 2 recently drew criticism from players due to game-breaking bugs and issues, it regularly brings balance changes to offer fair competition. These changes include significant nerfs and buffs to heroes that players can easily track as they are released. However, some of them tend to be minor tweaks that are not mentioned in the patch notes. That is not to say they have no effect on gameplay because even minor changes, such as a simple visual update, can alter the popularity of heroes.RELATED: Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Player Creatively Evades Enemy by Sacrificing TeammateOverwatch 2 developer Chris Sayers went on Twitter to reveal a secret change to Tracer's Blink ability that was not specifically included in the patch notes. This change is seemingly a visual effect rather than a mechanical update, which gives players a cue showing where Tracer is traveling, making her much easier to track by opponents. Players have to turn at angles quickly to catch Tracer before she kills them, but this adjustment will help players see the direction of a blinking Tracer, which could be considered a nerf to her offensive capabilities. Overwatch 2's Tracer utilizes powerful abilities to kill the entire enemy team, but players will now have to make a wise choice when selecting their path.

Considering she has one of the lowest health pools in Overwatch 2, Tracer mains might not like this change. However, the feedback from many players is overwhelmingly positive, with some claiming that this will improve her gameplay readability. There are also people saying that it will make Tracer less annoying to play against.

Tracer is a close-range damage hero who can be used to counter Cassidy's magnetic grenade in Overwatch 2, making her one of the most dangerous heroes regardless of how powerful her enemies are. She totes two pulse pistols and banter to deal a certain amount of damage to her preferred targets that have no defense capabilities.Tracer is also impossible to track from close ranges, which allows Tracer to bear down on her enemies in a short period of time.

Shortly after Junkertown's removal from Overwatch 2, players discovered a serious bug with Tracer's damage fall-off, which didn't lead Blizzard to disable the time-traveling adventurer because her power level was still acceptable at the moment. As for the newest change to Tracer's Blink ability, whether it could have a big impact in matches remains to be seen.

Overwatch 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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