
  • Tanks in Overwatch 2 are currently struggling due to strong damage heroes and extreme survivability of supports, leading to a lack of impact in matches and quick deaths.
  • Health adjustments, ability reworks, and passive changes could make Tanks more enjoyable to play, but they will still struggle against ranged and flying characters until a ranged Tank is added.
  • It is likely that the Season 8 Tank, Mauga, will not be a ranged character, as his personality would suggest a more close-range combat style, leaving Tank players waiting for a ranged hero to be added to the roster.

It’s a rough time for Tanks in Overwatch 2. Damage heroes like Bastion are so strong that characters like Reinhardt are borderline unplayable, while the survivability of Supports limits the impact Tank players can have. Instead of feeling like the star of the match, something that would make sense considering that there is only one Tank on each team in Overwatch 2, Tanks often die extremely fast and have little impact on the match thanks to the current state of the game. While there is hope that improvements will be made to the role in Season 8, one longrunning Tank problem will likely continue to go unsolved.

Health adjustments, ability reworks for heroes like Roadhog, passive changes, and more could help make Tanks more fun to play. Hopefully, Blizzard is considering all of these things, as right now Overwatch 2 is only enjoyable for two of its three roles. Even if these fixes come, though, Tanks are likely to continue suffering against ranged characters, something that will not change until a Tank that shines in ranged fights is added to the hero shooter. Unfortunately, the wait for such a character could be long, as it seems likely that Season 8’s new character will be a brawler.

After Season 8, It's Time For Another Damage Hero in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is set to get another Tank in Season 8, and while that is great, a brief break from Tanks and Supports may be a nice change in Season 10.

Overwatch 2 Needs a Ranged Tank, But Mauga Likely Won’t Be That

An Overwatch 2 hero's lore could benefit from Mauga's arrival in the game

As of now, all signs point to the Season 8 Tank being Mauga. Not only was a Samoa map released in Season 7, which is Mauga’s place of origin, but a giant piece of clothing teasing the character’s arrival was spotted on the map. Additionally, Blizzard developers have promised to add Baptiste’s former friend eventually, with Sigma’s kit originally meant for Mauga. Intriguingly, Blizzard created Sigma because it felt the abilities it had designed did not suit Mauga’s personality, and with Sigma being a ranged Tank, it’s unlikely for Mauga’s gameplay to hinge on long-range attacks.

Just by looking at the art Blizzard has released of Mauga, it seems clear that the character likes to get up close and personal, with his gun looking like it would be more effective at close range. A larger-than-life figure like Mauga with an intense personality is likely to get right up in his foes’ faces, too, using his size to his advantage and welcoming the attacks that come his way. Someone as big as Mauga sitting back and sniping foes just does not make sense, with a brawling style of combat feeling a lot more appropriate for the long-awaited hero. Though there is a chance Blizzard subverts expectations, it seems likely that Tank fans will have to keep waiting for a ranged character to be added to their part of the roster.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with a close-range, brawling fighting style - especially with similar heroes like Junker Queen thriving in Overwatch 2 - the need for a ranged Tank has never been more clear. Heroes like Illari, Sojourn, and Kiriko shine from a distance, while Lifeweaver can make platforms to lift his allies up to positions that many Tanks cannot reach. At lower competitive ranks, Pharah and Mercy continue to be menaces, with Widowmaker, Ashe, and Hanzo all able to dish out damage from a distance as well. All Tanks have to combat this are Orisa’s hard-to-land Javelin, Winston’s fairly weak alt-fire, and unreliable dive attacks from heroes like D.Va. Ramattra and Sigma’s primary attacks just are not reliable enough to take out flying characters like Echo, with the role desperately needing something to stay competitive against ranged foes.

The Support role - a category where dealing damage is not a priority - getting a ranged powerhouse like Illari before a long distance Tank is added feels quite strange. While Support players have certainly benefited from having a character that can easily fight back against flying and distant foes, Tanks that are constantly in the fight need this kind of character even more, yet they are still waiting for it. Though nothing is confirmed, as Blizzard could still surprise players with a different Tank or give Mauga a ranged kit, all signs seem to be pointing to a continuation of this problem for the forseeable future. Hopefully, a Tank is eventually added that thrives at a distance instead of up close.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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