
  • Overwatch 2's upcoming Season 7 features a Halloween theme and introduces a new mythic skin for Hanzo. Mythic skins are rare and unique cosmetics unlocked as the final reward for purchasing a premium battle pass.
  • The customization options for the Hanzo mythic skin seem limited with only three color schemes and a few bow options showcased, raising concerns about inconsistencies in the level of customization across different mythic skins.
  • Going forward, mythic skins will hopefully develop some consistency in terms of the number of customizable pieces and what aspects of the skin can be customized.

Each in-game season of Overwatch 2 is defined by the content that it introduces, with the upcoming Season 7 featuring a strong Halloween theme for October and November. While the content of a season can fluctuate, they always introduce a brand-new mythic skin for one lucky hero.

Mythic skins are some of the rarest and most unique cosmetics in Overwatch 2, being unlocked as the final reward for players who purchase a premium battle pass for a given season. Mythics draw a lot of their worth from the customization options that they possess, but Season 7's upcoming mythic skin for Hanzo is a perfect example of a growing problem that mythic skins are facing.

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The Problem with Overwatch 2's Season 7 Hanzo Mythic Skin

overwatch 2 season 7 onryo hanzo

Season 7 of Overwatch 2 is set to launch on October 10, and dedicated players will be grinding out the season's battle pass to work towards its mythic skin. The mythic skin is called Onryo Hanzo, with an Onryo being a type of ghost in Japanese culture that haunts the world of the living due to pain or wrongdoing that the ghost experienced during life.

The Onryo Hanzo mythic skin is unlocked at tier 80 of Season 7's battle pass, and turns the DPS hero into a glowing ghostly figure. The skin comes with custom firing noises and voice lines for Hanzo, leaning even further into the sinister and paranormal nature of the Onryo and Season 7 as a whole. However, from what has been seen so far of the skin, its customization options seemingly only come in the form of a few different bows and three color schemes that a player can choose between, turning Hanzo either blue, orange, or gray.

These alternate color schemes also impact Hanzo's bow, with weapon customization being one of the most attractive aspects of mythic skins. Despite this, many fans cannot help but notice the inconsistency behind the level of customization options between the different mythic skins that have already featured in Overwatch 2. For example, last season's mythic skin was for the support hero Ana, which featured two weapon choices, three significant armor variants, and three separate overall color schemes.

Season 5's mythic Tracer skin followed a similar pattern, although the base skin was unlocked at battle pass tier 45, with the customization features unlocking further down the line. While Hanzo could have things like tattoo, hair, and armor customization options, the trailer for his mythic skin only stresses the three color variant options. More customization features could be revealed over the coming days, yet a serious problem is present if Hanzo only features general color personalization alongside limited weapon options.

Many people purchase battle passes mainly for their associated mythic skins, and the growing inconsistency behind what each mythic skin involves is concerning from a consumer perspective. With all mythic skins being available for the same price of a premium battle pass, fans deserve to know they are getting the same breadth of customization options across each season. Each hero is more than capable of featuring the same level of customization options as Ana, so there is no real reason for Hanzo to potentially get the short end of the stick. In all, mythic skins provide an excellent reward for consistent Overwatch 2 playtime across a given season, but more needs to be done to ensure that fans are getting the same value for money every time.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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