
  • The hero rankings in Season 7 vary based on a player's competitive rank and individual skill, so certain heroes may perform differently for different players.
  • Heroes like Orisa, D.Va, Bastion, Torbjorn, Mei, Hanzo, Ana, Kiriko, and Illari are performing well in the current meta, while heroes like Roadhog and Reaper are struggling.

The patch notes for Overwatch 2 Season 7 are out now and though the hero meta of Overwatch 2 hasn't differed too much in the past few months, there have been significant changes. Characters that were not considered strong picks in previous seasons are now viable whereas others are no longer as viable. Of course, this may change when the mid-season patch rolls out.

For instance, tanks such as Roadhog are in a bad place at the moment, but this doesn't mean that certain players won't be able to get value with him. Season 7 heroes can thus be assessed due to the recent patch notes for Overwatch 2. As such, where certain heroes stand in such rankings will differ based on a player's competitive rank and individual skill.

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Overwatch 2 Season 7 S-Tier
  • Orisa
  • D.Va
  • Bastion
  • Torbjorn
  • Mei
  • Hanzo
  • Illari
  • Ana
  • Kiriko

Orisa has been a powerful pick for a few months now, and she's still performing incredibly well despite the 5% decrease in Fortify's damage. The omnic's ability to nearly perfectly cycle her cool-downs makes her quite tanky, so much so that she's been likened to a raid boss. Additionally, D.Va is quite difficult to eliminate due to her Defense Matrix. The MEKA pilot is a consistent pick on almost every map in the game since she can easily reach the high ground and even gets a second chance at life in her baby D.Va form when she is de-meched.

Similar to Season 6, DPS heroes like Bastion and Torbjorn have been hard meta because of their massive damage output and high HP bars. What's more, in spite of Mei's Deep Chill being removed, her utility has not waned. She's incredibly viable against squishes like Tracer, her Cryo-Freeze allows her to be aggressive, and her Ice Wall can be dangerous for enemy players caught behind it. Hanzo was removed from Competitive Play for a few hours due to a bug, but he remains a practical pick for his one-shot potential, Sonic Arrow, and spam damage.

As for the Supports, Ana, Kiriko, and Illari are very good. Ana's anti-heal and Sleep Dart can be fatal while Kiriko's protection suzu and teleportation are as dominant as ever. Even though Illari's secondary heal output has been decreased from 120 to 105 per second, it hasn't affected her much since she is selected for damage purposes.


Overwatch 2 Season 7 A-Tier
  • Ramattra
  • Junker Queen
  • Zarya
  • Soldier: 76
  • Sojourn
  • Genji
  • Echo
  • Lucio
  • Baptiste

A-tier heroes are great in nearly every composition. Ramattra received a one-second increase to his Nemesis cool-down form which is nothing to scoff at while Zarya is doing well because she counters Orisa's damage and javelin. Junker Queen excels in close-ranged combat which she can easily engage in because of her Commanding Shout and Jagged Blade. When paired with Lucio's speed boost, or an immortality-wielding damage-dealing Support like Baptiste, she can be a nearly unstoppable force.

Soldier: 76 is in the same tier as he was in Overwatch 2 Season 5, despite the nerf to his Helix Rocket and Tactical Visor last season. Sojourn is often called a better version of Soldier: 76 due to her slide, but she also lacks the heals from Biotic Field which makes off-angling for her riskier. The consistent damage from her, Echo, and Soldier: 76 can be deadly in the right hands. Furthermore, in spite of the memes surrounding Genji, his burst damage gets a lot of value, his mobility is useful, and Nano Blade is still an oppressive ultimate combo.


Overwatch 2 Season 7 B-Tier
  • Winston
  • Doomfist
  • Sigma
  • Sombra
  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker
  • Ashe
  • Cassidy
  • Junkrat
  • Moira
  • Lifeweaver
  • Brigitte

These characters can be considered good in most metas, but are best in the hands of those who specialize them. Sigma has been a consistent tank in nearly every season while Winston and Doomfist have moved up and down the ranks rather inconsistently.

Sombra's rework in Season 7 has seen mixed responses, especially from those who main her. Her assassin-like persona has been traded for doing more front-line damage. Her Virus and Hack combined can delete an enemy squishy in mere seconds, but executing this and getting out of the fight safely can be difficult. Other DPS such as Tracer, Widowmaker, Ashe, and Junkrat have also all found a home in B-Tier, though Cassidy has also joined them after several seasons of being lackluster. The cowboy's buffed Combat Roll means he can face-tank large bursts of damage when moving like Echo's Sticky Grenades and Tracer's Pulse Bomb.

Moira, Lifeweaver, and Brigitte are all reasonable choices to play at the moment, even though the latter's pick rate has dropped drastically. Lifeweaver has seen several changes since he debuted, and though he wasn't good by any means in Season 5, he has a higher win rate now that Thorn Volley, Tree of Life, and Rejuvenating Dash are buffed. Moira's value is still very much in her high healing and damage statistics, though a Support like Kiriko is typically a better choice due to her Kitsune Rush, headshot capability, and immortality.

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Overwatch 2 Season 7 C-Tier
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Reinhardt
  • Pharah
  • Symmetra
  • Mercy
  • Zenyatta

C-tier heroes are typically only good in certain situations, which is unfortunate for Wrecking Ball and Reinhardt mains. Since Sombra, Mei, and Cassidy are all good, those who like playing Hammond may have a rough go of it. Additionally, Reinhardt needs to get close to enemy players to get any real value which is hard for him to do even with his Charge. Bastion being meta also means that his shield can be shredded in just a few moments.

Symmetra is still good, but she performs best on close-quarters maps like Lijiang Tower or Point A of Dorado. If a team is communicating well, Symmetra's teleporter can be effective for quickly getting close to the enemy team. Moreover, good Pharah players can still make plays, but in a lot of scenarios, she's better with a Mercy pocket, also known as Pharmercy. Having a Support character focused solely on one teammate means that Pharah needs to be getting value, or she's effectively wasting the team's resources.

As such, Mercy is at her best when sticking next to a damage character, which makes it hard for her to make plays on her own. Zenyatta is in a strange place at the moment since his damage orb is very useful for eliminating tanks. However, his mobility is lacking especially against dive comps or snipers.


Overwatch 2 Season 7 D-Tier
  • Roadhog
  • Reaper

Since Roadhog's rework will come with the mid-season patch, some tank players are hoping that this means he will be able to accomplish more quite soon. Sadly for Reaper, while he can do a lot of damage at once, there are often heroes who can get the job done faster like Mei and Bastion. His main role these days appears to be facing off against Winston, and there are plenty of other DPS that can do this as well now.

Overwatch 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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