
  • The recent buff to Cassidy's Combat Roll in Overwatch 2 allows him to survive a close-range D.Va bomb, leaving players confused and frustrated.
  • With the buff, Cassidy can now reduce the damage he takes by 75% after using Combat Roll, allowing him to survive devastating attacks like D.Va's ultimate.
  • Some players find the buff to be unnecessary and odd. However, others enjoy the absurdity of a cowboy rolling through a massive explosion.

Overwatch 2’s recent buff to Cassidy’s Combat Roll allows him to survive a close-range D.Va bomb. This powerful new survivability tool has left many Overwatch 2 players scratching their heads in confusion and frustration.

Cole Cassidy is an iconic DPS hero in Overwatch 2. The gunslinging cowboy, voiced by famous Baldur’s Gate 3, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth voice actor Matt Mercer, has been the subject of many changes to his abilities over the years, especially his Flashbang-turned-Magnetic-Grenade.

Overwatch 2 Is Gifting Players Credits for a Limited Time

In the spirit of Halloween, Overwatch 2 is generously dishing out a batch of free credits to all players who log into the game this week.

In the balance changes for Season 7 of Overwatch 2, Cassidy’s Combat Roll received a significant buff. Though usually used for movement or automatic reload, Combat Roll also reduces the damage Cassidy takes for a short time. However, Season 7 saw this damage reduction increase from 50% to 75%, allowing him to survive devastating attacks like D.Va’s ultimate, Self-Destruct, as shown in an Overwatch 2 clip shared by Nukacherrypng on Reddit.

D.Va’s ultimate in Overwatch 2 deals more damage than any other ability in the game, with only Junkrat’s RIP-Tire coming close. With a well-timed Combat Roll, Cassidy survived D.Va’s ultimate with 25 health remaining, meaning he only took 200 of the 800 damage he was supposed to take; enough to kill any tank in the game. D.Va’s ultimate caps out at 1000 damage to point-blank enemies, so if he was slightly closer to the mech, he would not have survived. Either way, the fact he tanked the blast at all, especially while being so close, is notable.

A lot of Overwatch 2 players are confused by this buff. Few players thought Cassidy, who seems to perform well at all ranks, needed a buff, especially to his Combat Roll. Others pointed out how weird it was that he could survive the ability at all; while heroes like Reaper or Mei can evade the blast using immunity abilities, even tanks in Overwatch 2 cannot mitigate the damage without barriers like Reinhardt or Zarya.

Either way, some players did get a kick out of the absurdity of a cowboy avoiding a massive explosion just by rolling through it. Fans of FromSoftware games couldn’t help but draw comparisons, considering how dodge rolls are usually required to beat Elden Ring and Dark Souls bosses, and joked about which Overwatch 2 hero would make the best Soulslike boss. Cassidy players looking to survive some of the most deadly abilities in Overwatch 2 will want to master this Combat Roll utility while they can, as it could always be reverted in the future.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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