It's no secret that Overwatch 2 has had quite the divisive launch. Releasing in October of last year, Overwatch 2 drew immediate criticism from long-time fans for its lack of new content, and Blizzard's removal of the original game despite previous statements promising the opposite. In the months that have followed, Overwatch 2 has continued to perform very well in terms of player-base, but it's still drawing a lot of criticism for its approach to its Battle Pass, and the heavy emphasis on microtransactions. Well, the criticism continues, with Overwatch 2 having just announced its third Season and a key piece of its Battle Pass contents.

For the price of around $10, Overwatch 2 players can purchase the Battle Pass. Much like any other live-service title, this Battle Pass encourages players to earn a specific currency by completing objectives, which can then be spent on unique cosmetic rewards like sprays, emotes, and of course, skins. The Battle Pass has proved to be one of Overwatch 2's most controversial inclusions, and that controversy is only continuing with Overwatch 2 Season 3, as its Mythic skin is continuing an interesting trend.

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Overwatch 2 Season 3's Mythic Skin Seems to be Continuing a Trend


In Overwatch 2 Season 2, fans noticed an interesting detail about the Battle Pass. Themed around Greek mythology, Season 2's Battle Pass was filled with Olympian-themed rewards, including a slew of new skins that depicted the heroes as Greek gods. The interesting detail here was that Junker Queen received the much-coveted Mythic skin this time around. Being the rarest, and newest, type of cosmetic in the game, characters won't often get Mythic skins, and when they do, it's a pretty big deal. What made this an even bigger deal was the fact that Junker Queen had only been in the game for a few months.

For the longest time, the Overwatch community has been pleading with Blizzard to bring Mythic skins to the game, and now that they've gotten their wish, there's a disheartening trend starting to emerge. Overwatch 2's first Season gave fans exactly what they wanted in the form of an incredibly impressive Cyber Demon Mythic skin for Genji. Of all the heroes who deserve the first Mythic skin, Genji is definitely a solid choice, and most fans were happy with Blizzard's decision.

However, with Season 3, there seems to be a trend emerging. Kiriko is set to receive the Mythic skin this time around, and while it's a fairly impressive one, depicting the Support hero as the Japanese sun god Amaterasu in wonderful detail, it's starting to set the precedent that new heroes will likely get Mythic skins first. If Blizzard continues this trend into Season 4, then it's highly likely that Ramattra will be the next character to receive a Mythic skin, despite only just being added to the game.

Blizzard has over 30 other characters to choose from, most of which have been in Overwatch since day one, and all of which don't yet have a Mythic skin. There are plenty of other heroes fans would much rather see get a Mythic skin than Junker Queen, Kiriko, and possibly Ramattra. That being said, at least all of these Mythic skins have been of high quality. Each of the skins is customizable with different color schemes and highlight details, and each one does feel like a skin worthy of the Mythic title. It's just a shame that Blizzard isn't really listening to fans when it comes to which heroes receive Mythic-quality outfits.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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