Overwatch 2 has finally received a highly anticipated fresh bout of content with the recent launch of its second in-game season, with discourse surrounding the game skyrocketing as fans discuss the changes and new additions to the title. While these new seasons are usually best known for the new battle passes and playable heroes that they often introduce, balance changes also come with the start of these seasons, much to the delight of fans.

As part of its own identity as a sequel, it is no secret that Overwatch 2 has made some bold and wide-spanning changes to many pre-existing heroes. It can be argued that Doomfist received the largest of these changes, leaving him in a launch state that many found to be far too underwhelming, which has led Blizzard to make some lauded changes to the character.

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The Changes Between Doomfist in Overwatch and Overwatch 2


Doomfist is one of the most recognizable heroes in the Overwatch franchise, with his large frame and eponymous gauntlet making him a striking figure on the battlefield. The hero was added to the original Overwatch in 2017, being the 25th hero to be added to the title's roster. In this original form, Doomfist was a rather commendable damage hero with a good range of mobility, being able to get up close and personal to opponents and deal devastating amounts of damage with his ability kit.

Quite controversially, this ability kit was drastically changed with the recent release of Overwatch 2, with Doomfist changing from a damage hero to a tank. While fans of the damage hero were understandably sad at such a significant change to the hero, many were of course excited at the concept of what kind of combat role Doomfist could play as a tank. These hopes were quickly dashed as players began using Doomfist in his new role, with many finding the reduced damage and removed abilities of the hero greatly reduced his combat effectiveness, even in a tank context. With many previously considering Doomfist to be one of the least viable heroes in the game, it is no wonder that the recent balance changes to Overwatch 2 have focused so heavily on the character.

Recent Changes To Doomfist in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Doomfist camo skin

Season two of Overwatch 2 has seen plenty of balance changes introduced, and Doomfist can be said to have received the most beneficial of these changes. Many of these tweaks involve increasing the damage output of the tank, which was previously seen as his weakest area. For example, Doomfist's impact damage range has been increased from 15-30 to 25-50, although his wall slam damage has been decreased from 20-40 to 10-30. His empowered rocket punch attack wall stun duration has also been reduced, with the knockback radius being reduced from four meters to three which could aid any follow-up combos. This ability can also now be canceled sooner and has crucially received a cooldown decrease from four seconds to three.

Doomfist's power block has received some very beneficial changes, with its cooldown now being 7 seconds instead of 8, and having an increased duration of half a second. The amount of mitigated damage needed via this ability to empower rocket punch has also been reduced from 90 to 80 damage. Doomfist's meteor strike ultimate ability now always empowers rocket punch upon use, and slows enemies for three seconds instead of two.

The final change made to Doomfist concerns his passive ability, which now allows the hero to gain up to 200 personal health as opposed to 150, with each ability hit now granting 40 personal health instead of 30. It was clear that Doomfist was in need of a serious buff in Overwatch 2, and this slew of positive changes has seemingly done just that.

Overwatch 2 is available now free to play for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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