
  • Winston remains an S-Tier tank after the most recent Overwatch 2 patch, with the Dive meta giving way to high-mobility characters in Season 10.
  • Sojourn and Tracer excel in high damage output, with Venture joining the A-Tier DPS lineup as players adapt strategies to climb ranks this season.
  • B-Tier heroes like Roadhog and Mauga have specific strengths and weaknesses, while C-Tier heroes like Reinhardt can be niche counter-picks. D-Tier heroes like Mercy and Reaper should unfortunately be avoided.

Following recent controversies, Season 10 of Overwatch 2 arrived after much anticipation. Fortunately, the positive reception to the new hero, Clash mode time-trial, and Mirrorwatch game mode have all served to breathe new life into the hero-shooter. As expected, with Venture's release into the hero pool alongside the latest patch notes, the compositions that are performing the best have shifted.

While the dive-heavy meta from Season 9 remains a viable option, Season 10 of Overwatch 2 has seen a significant shift toward high-mobility heroes capable of dealing long-range damage. Players should note that even though it's important to recognize which metas are doing well, the game mode and their own individual skillset can greatly affect the outcome of a match. As such, adapting one's strategy to fit the situation and an enemy team's composition is the optimal way to climb ranks this season.

Overwatch 2's Console Cheaters Debacle Explained

Blizzard has already begun banning cheaters following the recent announcement that changes are rolling out for Overwatch 2's console experience.

S-Tier - Hard to Kill Heroes With High Mobility

Overwatch 2 Season 10 S-Tier-1
  • Winston
  • Sojourn
  • Tracer
  • Kiriko

Though Orisa once joined Winston at the beginning of Season 10, he's now the only S-Tier tank that can be played on every map. With Jump Pack and Barrier Projector, Winston can take frontline damage for his teammates while diving the backline at opportune moments. While he has a handful of direct counters, a Winston with good positioning is more than capable of staying alive.

As for DPS heroes, Sojourn and Tracer reign supreme for their high damage output, movement abilities, and time to kill. Though Tracer received a one-second nerf to her recall cooldown, her ability to pester the backline makes her a valuable asset. Furthermore, with the damage passive and self-healing passive aiding her, this close-range hero can still be difficult to pin down during a fight.

"Sojourn and Tracer reign supreme for their high damage output, movement abilities, and time to kill."

Sojourn's well-rounded kit has cemented her as a top pick since Season 1 of Overwatch 2. Her high damage output is complemented perfectly by Tracer's disruptive mobility and backline harassment. Sojourn's headshot potential, reaching up to 195 damage, is further amplified by her abilities like Power Slide for positioning, Disruptor Shot for enemy displacement, and Overclock for increased damage. This combination allows her to take down squishy targets effectively from various ranges.

Interestingly, Kiriko is the only support in S-Tier though her headshot capability is still suffering from the projectile changes of Season 9. Regardless, with the ability to teleport, Suzu, and deal damage, the kunoichi healer still has one of the strongest kits in the game. Due to her versatility, Kiriko is also able to play independently, and when paired with heroes like Orisa, who are less reliant on constant healing, she can focus on proactive plays and turn the tide of a match.

A-Tier - Reliable Heroes That Can Carry A Fight

Overwatch 2 Season 10 A-Tier
  • Orisa
  • Sigma
  • Doomfist
  • D.Va
  • Venture
  • Cassidy
  • Echo
  • Ashe
  • Sombra
  • Baptiste
  • Ana
  • Moira

These A-Tier heroes are dependable alternatives to the S-Tier characters. Sigma, D.Va, and Doomfist are all strong tank picks in Overwatch 2's current meta, offering a mix of high survivability, area denial, and offensive potential. When in the right hands, they can carry a fight without question.

Intriguingly, Orisa was a strong contender as the only character to be undeniably S-Tier before the quick patch on April 30. Her overwhelming dominance was greatly attributed to her ability to cycle abilities like Fortify, Energy Javelin, and Javelin Spin which made her incredibly durable. With significant nerfs to Javelin Spin and Fortify, it seems that the omnic will no longer be a must-pick. However, it's too soon to say exactly where in the tier list she should fall at this point.

As for DPS, Venture was released into Competitive immediately in Season 10. Though this decision was criticized by the player base, over the past few weeks, players have started to unlock Venture's full potential. The damage over time buff, alongside the digging hero's ability to easily get in and out of situations, have made them a threat to be wary of. Of course, other damage heroes like Cassidy, Echo, Ashe, and Sombra are noteworthy for their high damage output despite being more situational.

April 30's quick patch saw nerfs to Venture's Drill Dash, Smart Excavator, and Tectonic Shock. Where this leaves the DPS hero at this point in time is uncertain, but, likely, they are still hovering around A to B-Tier.

As expected, supports that are capable of doing damage are performing well in Season 10. Moira received a nerf to her Biotic Grasp, but can still pump out high damage and healing numbers if she uses her Fade at the right times. Ana's Biotic Grenade is also still oppressive, especially when a team isn't running Kiriko, and Baptiste's Immortality Field remains a great defensive ability.

B-Tier - Situational Heroes That Can Still Thrive in Season 10

Overwatch 2 Season 10 B-Tier
  • Roadhog
  • Mauga
  • Junker Queen
  • Ramattra
  • Zarya
  • Soldier: 76
  • Widowmaker
  • Genji
  • Pharah
  • Torbjorn
  • Zenyatta
  • Illari
  • Brigitte
  • Lifeweaver

B-Tier houses the largest pool of heroes in Overwatch 2. These characters boast significant potential but typically only truly excel in specific situations. For example, Roadhog thrives against high-mobility tanks like Doomfist and Wrecking Ball and on maps like Ilios Well where he can pull opponents to their death. However, his effectiveness greatly diminishes against support heroes like Ana and Zenyatta.

Similar to Roadhog, other B-Tier tanks like Junker Queen, Zarya, Ramattra, and Mauga possess strengths that hinge on specific team compositions and map types. Despite Mauga's nerfs after dominating all of Season 8, this tank is still a solid choice for his Cage Fight ultimate and Overrun abilities. Unfortunately, his weaknesses mirror Roadhog's because if he isn't careful, he can often be used as an ult-charge battery for the enemy team.

With the recent changes to Orisa, tanks like Roadhog and Mauga may rise to A or S-Tier over the course of the season.

In the same vein, the aforementioned damage and support characters can also find success right now. Widowmaker excels for her one-shot capability on maps with long sight lines, whereas Lifeweaver's ability to get teammates out of near-death scenarios can be a game-changer. Overall, players who prefer to main any of these B-Tier heroes can still do well, but it might require a different approach compared to the dominant heroes of the current meta.

Widowmaker has a fall-off range of 20–40 meters.

C-Tier - Niche Characters That Are Often Used to Counter The Enemy Team

Overwatch 2 Season 10 C-Tier
  • Reinhardt
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Junkrat
  • Bastion
  • Hanzo
  • Mei
  • Symmetra

For players with a diverse hero pool, these heroes, like Mei, primarily serve as counter-picks for specific circumstances. For instance, Reinhardt is ideal for being able to shield his team, but is much less useful when he can't get close to the enemy. Similarly, Wrecking Ball is hardly ever a more rounded choice than one of the other 11 tanks, but he excels when harassing the backline or contesting the point.

"For players with a diverse hero pool, these heroes primarily serve as counter-picks for specific circumstances."

Additionally, the C-Tier DPS are viable alternatives against the right team composition. Junkrat and Symmetra are still good picks on close-quartered maps, but struggle on long-range maps like Colosseo. As powerhouses against shields, Bastion and Hanzo can melt enemy defenses with their sustained fire. However, their effectiveness relies heavily on good game sense and positioning. In the wrong hands, or on open maps with limited cover, Bastion becomes a sitting target while Hanzo has lost a large part of his identity: his one-shot ability.

D-Tier - The Worst Heroes to Choose in Overwatch 2 Season 10

Overwatch 2 Season 10 D-Tier
  • Reaper
  • Mercy

With only two heroes currently languishing in D-Tier, Overwatch 2's current meta suggests a relatively balanced state. As it happens, this limited pool of underperforming heroes indicates that most characters have a viable role to play in the current competitive landscape. Sadly, while Reaper can still be valuable, he lacks the standout qualities he once possessed. Initially designed as a "tank buster," heroes like Bastion, Hanzo, and Venture have become better equipped to fill that role. Fortunately, Blizzard is considering a rework for Reaper that could potentially revitalize the close-range mercenary and offer him a clear purpose in the future meta.

Finally, despite the excitement surrounding the long-anticipated Mercy mythic skin that was released this season, the Swiss medic currently finds herself in the lowest tier. This can be attributed to her playstyle, which relies heavily on the effectiveness of her teammates. Mercy's resurrections and damage boosting can be highly impactful, but if the pocketed teammate isn't performing well, it can feel like the team is playing one player down. With the support role home to characters like Zenyatta and Kiriko who can make independent plays, Mercy is often a less optimal choice.