
  • Fans are speculating that the next hero added to Overwatch 2 will be Mauga, based on clues found in the Samoa map, including a ridiculously big shirt that is believed to belong to him.
  • Mauga is a member of Talon and Baptiste's former best friend. The two had a close bond until Baptiste left Talon. Mauga was originally planned to be released in the original Overwatch but was shelved for later use.
  • The size of Mauga's shirt has surprised many players, leading to discussions about whether he will be as big in-game. Some argue that his hit box would be too big, so a nerf to his size may be necessary.

With Overwatch 2 fans expecting Mauga to be the next hero added to the game, many are scouring the new Samoa map for potential teasers, and one suggests that he could be gigantic. In particular, Overwatch 2 players have found one of Mauga’s shirts, and it is ridiculously big.

For those unfamiliar with Mauga, he is a member of Talon and Baptiste’s former best friend. The two were incredibly close when Baptiste served with the organization, though with Baptiste abandoning his post after realizing how corrupt Talon was, that bond was severed. Mauga was originally planned to release during the original Overwatch in Sigma’s slot, but after Blizzard realized that the kit it designed did not suit Mauga’s personality, it crafted Sigma and shelved Mauga for later use. Now, though hero 39’s identity remains unconfirmed, players believe it will be Mauga.

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The biggest point of evidence for Season 8’s Overwatch 2 hero being Mauga, aside from the next character being a Tank, is Season 7's new map. Samoa is not only a gorgeous location, but the place of origin for Mauga, and it certainly seems like interesting timing for the map’s release. With Mauga known to be Samoan, fans quickly scoured the map for potential clues, and one immediately jumped out at them: Mauga’s shirt. However, many are stunned at just how big this piece of the Talon Tank’s casual wear is.

The shirt is so big that many players, including Reddit user Zorah_29 who shared images of the clothing item, feel that Mauga cannot possibly be that big in-game. They argue that he would need 1000 HP to survive since his hit box would be ridiculous, though with characters like Ramattra getting quite big in Nemesis form, perhaps Mauga will indeed be as big as his shirt suggests. At the same time, considering how small characters look when standing by it, a nerf to his size is reasonable to expect.

Commenters joked that Lucio could fit in Mauga’s pocket, and given how he looks in the shared image, that is not an outrageous statement. Baptiste looks quite small when near his former partner’s shirt, though some art that exists of the two together does highlight quite the size discrepancy. Perhaps most shocking of all is how Reinhardt looks standing by the shirt, as the German knight is one of the biggest characters in the game yet the shirt covers almost his entire body.

While Blizzard has trolled players with new hero additions in the past, like releasing Orisa when everyone expected Doomfist’s debut, it would be truly shocking if Mauga was not lined up for Season 8. If he does make his debut in a few months’ time, it seems like he could be a force to be reckoned with.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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