Overwatch 2 fans have some interesting things to look forward to as far as PvP is concerned. From a switch to 5v5 to a new mode called Push, the game is making some significant adjustments to Overwatch’s multiplayer experience. With new heroes and several additional maps sure to shake up the game’s meta, too, Overwatch 2 could end up feeling like a big step forward for the franchise. However, the biggest addition in the sequel is not related to multiplayer at all.

Overwatch 2 will be providing fans with a full co-op campaign, something that has been requested by many following the Archives event’s story missions. While it will surely be fun to upgrade heroes and go on dozens of different missions, the most exciting thing about this campaign will be seeing the cast interact more. With Blizzard’s hero shooter thriving because its characters are so popular, seeing their stories move forward in meaningful ways could be incredible. Though there are plenty of interesting relationships that the next game could focus on, there are some that need to be progressed more than others.

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How Overwatch 2 Can Progress Genji’s Relationships With Hanzo And Mercy

mercy and genji talking overwatch 2

Based on Overwatch 2’s Zero Hour short, Genji will likely be a major focus in the sequel. Aside from rescuing Winston and sporting a neat new look, the hero has two major relationships that need to be addressed. First and foremost, his troubled past with Hanzo should be, a acknowledged further, as it has been far too long since the two interacted in the game’s canon. With Hanzo’s guilt for “killing” Genji clear, seeing the two resolve their differences would be terrific.

The last time Hanzo and Genji met was in the Dragons animated short. During the cinematic, the two fought in the very same place where Hanzo murdered his brother, with the battle ending as Genji revealed his identity. Since then, Overwatch fans have been waiting to see what would happen next between the brothers. While the revelation that Genji was still alive shocked Hanzo to his core, seeing his response after having some time to think is important. Overwatch 2 could show the duo interacting again, putting away their bow and sword in favor of a long conversation. Seeing them come together as brothers once again would be lovely, and Genji forgiving Hanzo would fit with his more peaceful character.

While Hanzo could either join up with Overwatch to seek redemption or continue to live in solitude, Blizzard has the perfect chance to expand their story in Overwatch 2. On top of this, seeing Genji and Mercy’s romance deepen would be great. The comics have hinted at their attraction to one another, as Genji has sent Mercy letters from Zenyatta’s temple. Likewise, the two have some sweet voice lines about gifting each other chocolates. With so much buildup over the years, seeing them become a proper couple in the sequel would be amazing. While there are plenty of romances seen in Overwatch’s lore, having two playable characters date would be a special bit of fan service.

How Overwatch 2 Can Progress Widowmaker And Reaper’s Relationships

Widowmaker aiming in the distance in Overwatch cinematic

While Genji making up with Hanzo and getting close with Mercy would both be good to see, Overwatch 2 should also take a closer look at the game’s villains. While Sombra’s grand conspiracy will likely come into play down the road, and Doomfist’s obsession with chaos makes him a bit one dimensional, two other members of Talon can shine. Both Widowmaker and Reaper should get a lot of attention in the sequel, with one killer changing for the better and the other remaining the same.

In the case of Widowmaker, seeing her overcome her conditioning is something that is long overdue. Not only would it be an empowering moment for the character and her fans, but it has been hinted at via the Overwatch comics. Widowmaker can be seen visiting the grave of the husband she was forced to kill, showing that some part of her still remembers who she was. As such, having Amelie Lacroix break through the Widowmaker facade would be a memorable moment, and it could give Overwatch a deadly weapon against Talon. Widowmaker could get revenge on the group that ruined her life, possibly even being the one to bring in Doomfist himself. Like Marvel’s Winter Soldier, she had no control over her actions, so seeing her fix herself and go on to do the right thing could be an amazing twist.

While there is still hope for Widowmaker, Reaper is unfortunately a lost cause. Entirely consumed by revenge, the ghostly killer is unlikely to stop hunting down those on his list. However, Overwatch 2 can get the most out of Reaper by better explaining his obsession. Right now, fans have no idea what went down at Overwatch’s Swiss HQ. Currently, all that is known is that Reaper and Soldier 76 fought, with the battle nearly killing both men. Seeing this backstory explained in the sequel could make Reaper a more complex villain, especially if it is revealed that Soldier 76 was the one who was in the wrong. With Reaper in a constant state of suffering, he is already a tortured soul. Still, learning more about why he is so evil could make him more tragic and less edgy, something that fans have been hoping for.

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How Overwatch 2 Can Progress Reinhardt And Brigitte’s Relationship

Overwatch Brigitte Reinhardt Genji (1)

While Overwatch 2 is unlikely to kill off characters, it is hard to imagine Reinhardt surviving if that ever were to happen. The hero is 61 years old, something that will likely make it harder and harder for him to keep fighting. Beloved by many, having him fall in battle would be devastating — which is exactly why he would be a fine candidate for such a role. He also has a successor ready to fill his place, as he has been training Torbjorn’s daughter Brigitte to fill his shoes one day.

While Reinhardt does not necessarily need to die in Overwatch 2, it would make sense if the latest battle with the Omnics served as his last. The story mode could feature a proper passing of the torch, with Brigitte proving herself and fully coming into Reinhardt’s role. Realizing that his time in the field is numbered, Rein could make this transition official by going into retirement. Enjoying his remaining years on the sidelines, his time away would be well-earned. Through the game’s missions, Reinhardt could be heard mentoring Brigitte, with the big reveal that he is stepping away coming near the end of the sequel’s narrative.

This could result in some significant changes come Overwatch 3, with Blizzard making the switch feel even more impactful via a new hero. An apprentice for Brigitte could be introduced, with the new character taking on Brigitte’s old kit. While the newcomer wields the flail and smaller shield, Brig could step into the massive armor worn by Reinhardt, using his hammer and becoming a proper tank. Though this would require a lot of work, as both heroes’ skins would need to be remade to accommodate new models, it would be an amazing way to show that time has passed. To build up to that moment, though, Overwatch 2 should focus on Reinhardt guiding Brigitte through one last battle.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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